The network of broadcasters and channels “In Defense of Humanity” at the Cuban Radio and Television Congress
Cuba USA

The network of broadcasters and channels “In Defense of Humanity” at the Cuban Radio and Television Congress

source Radio Cubana
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The network of broadcasters and channels “In defense of humanity” today checked, the second day of the Radio and Television Convention, Cuba 2015, its reach and influence in the mass media this year.

This network of intellectuals, artists and social fighters in defense of worldwide interests debated today in the Conventions Palace of Havana it main actions during the first five years and the directions that should be taken to continue working in the future.
To extend the network to generate critical thought on world issues called on the Cuban Chapter to unite wills against media hegemony, one of the principal objectives of this initiative.

Omar González, coordinator of the Cuban Network in Defense of Humanity explained the fundamental guidelines of work of Cuban intellectuals this year although dominating the characteristics of this kind of efforts by it previous Meeting of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity that had its tenth anniversary in the meeting of Caracas in 2014.

González recalled that this meeting developed in the context of the 24th presentation of the report against the blockade of Cuba in the United Nations (UN) constituted one of the recurrent subjects among the publications of Cuban intellectuals.

The publication of subject dossiers on specific issues as part of the end of a progressive cycle in some Latin American governments; the reestablishments of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States; commemoration of the 120th anniversary of the fall of José Martí in battle; the international impact of the 7th Summit of the Americas; the world demand for the 43 student teachers of Ayotzinapa; the peace negotiations in Columbia; the accusation of the crimes in Palestine; the accusation against the blockade of Cuba by the United States for more than 50 years constituted the most recurrent subjects dealt with by the members of the Network.

More than 2 000 articles, essays and other documents on those subjects find space for their publication in the Web of the network; in blogs as well as supported by broadcasters and channel members of this Project.

The increase of collaborators in different activities such as the recent creation in Barbados of a chapter of the Network in defense of Humanity for the English speaking Caribbean – also referred to as the Caribbean Chapter –, the digital publication based in Venezuela of the “Journal, Humanity in the Network; the publication of several books such as "Ayotzinapa: Un grito desde la humanidad" (Ayotzinapa: A shout from Humanity); or the sponsorship of cultural presentations such as concerts in the capital of the rock group "The Dead Daisies".
Also the project “Marks in the memory” with support of the Ministry of Justice of Brazil is an itinerant sample of films on the crimes of the dictatorship in that country and the 40th anniversary of Operation Condor.

From these actions of denunciations arose the idea of a television program such as in Cubavisión Internacional “thinking on the network” that deals with the impact of the blockade of the United States against our country from the different perspective of intellectuals around the world.

Also the social networks represent echoes of this initiative with profiles in the main web sites such as Twitter, Facebook and You Tube, in which, to date, there are 60 interviews of personalities in different spheres such as Frei Betto and Eduardo Galeano, as well as others.
Omar Olazábal, intellectual and director of the program “Thinking on the Network” emphasized that this second meeting of the network of broadcasters and channels in defense of humanity has a variety of international patricipants frlom countries such as Mexico, France, Spain, and participation of Bolivia TV and the pan Arab chain Al Mayadeen and soon inserted will be other television channels such as Telesur and Caribbean Broadcasting Union.

The presidente de Al Mayadeen, Ghasan ben Jeddo, pointed out in this morning’s meeting that this network is not only a framework to meet and have relationships but to join interests that are the same for humanity.

In addition, he acknowledged the work of this broadcast that daily explained the international situation towards the Middle East such as its support of Venezuela during the campaign of destabilization against its President Nicolás Maduro; its support of Bolivian president, Evo Morales who was elected the personality of the year in this region according to a survey last year or the widespread covering of the reestablishment of relations between Cuba and the United States.

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