Offensive for truth and life - how to counterattack the neo liberal process in Latinamerica
Cuba USA

Offensive for truth and life - how to counterattack the neo liberal process in Latinamerica

The network In Defense of Humanity integrated by artists, academicians and members of social movements from different countries debated on how to counterattack the neo liberal process in Latin America

By Pedro de la Hoz
Source Granma
Translation Cuba – Network in Defense of Humanity 

With the commitment to work on a new offensive for truth and life that counters the neo liberal undercurrent and contribute to halt the destabilization of the progressive processes in Latin America, concluded this Tuesday in the Alba Cultural House in Havana, a day of work of the network In Defense of Humanity (EDH).

Writers, artists, academicians and members of social movements from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, United States, Dominican Republic, Spain, Italy and Cuba present in the Island for the University 2016 Congress and the Havana International Book Fair, met to discuss the most urgent challenges today regarding the perspectives of an articulation counting on actors from about one hundred countries.

Beginning with the information offered by the Venezuealan architect and poet, Farruco Sesto and the Argentine writer and journalist Stella Calloni, the members had a more thorough perspective of the complexity of the political scenario in both nations.

To promote solidarity with Bolivarian Venezuela does not only imply defending the values of this emancipating project but promotes, internationally, a true understanding of what is happening there: an economic, financial, media and psychological war promoted by the internal reactionary forces in alliance with the Empire and intention of these forces to perpetuate a culture of money that for many decades encouraged the parasitic bourgeoisie.

We cannot say that the election results in Argentina and Venezuela reflect an alleged failure of the social proposals nor is it an attack against the governments of Dilma Rousseff and Rafael Correa and the attempts to disqualify Evo Morales are justified through a democratic logic. In any case as the singer songwriter Vicente Feliú said in his network A song for All, it is part of In Defense of Humanity; we will have to rethink a democracy that truly responds to popular interests.

“We are not punished for our errors but for the successes of our political vanguard in the past years” Calloni emphasized. “What we are living today deserves a higher level to move our interests beyond occasional declarations and manifests. To denounce the threats, disrobe the horrors is something we must continue doing with a direct language. But, also, the time has come to reveal, above all for the new generations, the beautiful history of our resistance, of our victories that we have forged along the way”.

Precisely this meeting welcomed writers from Chile, the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Costa Rica interested in promoting principles of solidarity and humanisms and called for a more effective uses of the social networks in favor of ideas that support the movement In Defense of Humanity.

One of the priorities is to bring down definitely the US blockade against Cuba, a movement in solidarity with the just causes of the peoples of the world and promote development of anti hegemonic thought.

The poet and narrator Omar González, coordinator of the Cuban chapter of EDH and journalist Angel Guerra, active member of the Mexican chapter explained the reach of several initiatives put in motion in recent years: in Cuba the extension of the network in universities and provinces and in Mexico the confluence of founders of the movement such as professor Pablo González Casanova, with young intellectuals and activists in the analysis of political and cultural processes occurring in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Cuba USA
