Defending the Bolivarian Revolution is a historical duty that can no longer be put off. The Network in Defense of Humanity
Cuba USA

Defending the Bolivarian Revolution is a historical duty that can no longer be put off. The Network in Defense of Humanity

The empire is afraid and when the empire is afraid it is more dangerous, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías

We, Intellectuals, Artists, Social Movements, Religious Leaders, Social fighters and Peoples of the World reject and condemn the recent declarations of President Obama and the US empire against the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela that threatens directly and openly Peace and Sovereignty of Our America.

We consider that the declaration of “national emergency” of the United States against the “threat” that Venezuela represents is explicitly a declaration of war against the Bolivarian Revolution and a step forward in the US escalation to crush the anti imperialist voices that are being raised in the sovereign land of Bolivar and Chavez and that rise up and spread throughout the continent.
The eruption of the Bolivarian Revolution signified a renovation of the liberation struggles in Our America and By the Peoples of the South. Today the main battle trenches in the construction of a better world, a multi polar world, a balanced world.

The legacy of Comandante Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías is the most important weapon in the struggle to decolonize consciences. His thoughts and acts constitute the moving force of anti imperialism and the processes of liberation throughout the world in the 21st Century.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has the main reserve of oil in the world, large reserves of gas, bio diversity, water and strategic minerals that makes in a juicy booty always yearned for by the Empire and the large world capital.

Consequently, We call on the sovereign multi lateral organizations, CELAC, UNASUR, ALBA-TCP and PETRO-CARIBE to declare categorically and absolutely in defense of international law, sovereignty and self
determination of the Venezuelan people and in favor of peace in the region.

We warn the peoples of the world that these declarations by Obama threaten the free land of Bolivar and an increasingly and imminent open invasion of the United States in Venezuela.
We call on all the anti imperialist voices in the world to denounce the international media outrage that intends to silence the awakening of a people and distort the knowledge of the reality of Venezuela in the 21st century that has decided to be independent.

We demand that the UN Security Council make a declaration regarding the shameless and hypocritical interference of the United States in the political affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The Empire fears the self determination of the peoples! Unity is our main strength!
¡Yankee go home!
¡Hail our Free and Independent America

To join in favor send signatures to: [email protected]

Carmen Bohórquez, Earle Herrera, Cristóbal Jiménez, María León, Blanca Eeckout, Juan Soto, Carlos Echezuria, Modesto Ruiz, César González, Nelson Escobar, Farruco Sesto, Diógenes Andrade (Fantasma), Fernando Soto Rojas, Elio Serrano, José Avila, Marleny Contreras, Tania Díaz, Yul Jabour, Sergio Arria, Piero Arria, Melissa Arria, Julieta Petriella, Atilio Boron, Itsván Meszáros, Enrique Dussel, Katu Arkonada, Alfonso Sastre, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Stella Calloni, Jorge Veraza, Cris González, Pablo Guadarrama, Frente Cultural de Izquierda, Movimiento Continental Bolivariano, Roger Landa, Ariana López, Luciano Vasapollo, Rita Martufi, Omar Gonzalez, Katiuska Blanco.

We highlight the latest solidarity action by "the Cuban Five": Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González, who joined this call in defense of the Venezuelan Republic 

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Cuba USA
