When the rich protest. By Luis Britto García
Cuba USA

When the rich protest. By Luis Britto García

Taken from AVN
Colombian novelist, William Ospina said the in the whole world the rich celebrate and the poor protest while in Venezuela the poor celebrate and the rich protest. These outbreaks against anyone who wins elections: in forteen years Bolivrianism triumphed in 18 of the 19 completely transparent elections. In the elections of December 8 of 2013 the Bolivarians won 240 Mayoralties of the 337; it is not strange to observe that the disturbance concencentrated first on the 18th and later on the 8th; 5 opposition mayoralties of the middle class. It is not a great feat to block wealthy neighbors with garbage barriers lit up by the request for protection of the authorities and local police. Some hired assassins shot demonstrators in the back or shot down from rooftops. They set fire to hundreds of metro busses and several electricity centrals.

Victims of both sides fall: what interests the assassins is the victim, raw material for the transnational industry of misinformation.

Worshipers of death they hang dolls such as those who announced the atrocities of the Sinaloa Cartel.

A Sharp comment by Alejandro Fierro that "If it were true of the international youth that they are fed up for some time and believe that Chavismo had to be overthrown in the ballots, what of the since 60% of the Venezuelan population that is under 30. "(Other News, 20-2-2014). Recently a survey by GIS XXI reveals clear information: 79% of young people between the ages of 14 and 24 study; 67% of them in public and free institutions. 90% believe that the best system is the Bolivarian participative democracy; 6% favor representative democracy, 6% a dictatorship. 60% believe that the best system is socialism, 20%, capitalism. We must add that nine and half million Venezuelans – one of every three – studies and one of every ten are in the Higher Educational system. If the majorities who study do not support the government it would fall in hours under the crush of a third of the population. But, according to the Guinness World Book of records 2008 we will be the happiest country in the world that year. According the Gallup Poll of 2010 we are the fifth most prosperous country in the world. According to the Happy Planet Index, Venezuela represents for 2010 the Experienced Welfare at 7.5 points out of ten tie even with Switzerland and is just a decimal point from Norway. In a decade we have reduced poverty by more than thirty points; we are the country with the lowest level of social inequality in capitalist Latin America.

It is not a picture of frustration or loss of hope. Massive demonstrations of Bolivarian women, students, farmers take to the streets but are not reported by the international agencies. In Venezuela a small minority in combination with the violent lumpen of the middle class only respect the elections when they win.


A survey published on February 24 by Hinterlaces reveals more. 42% of those consulted believe that Maduro should complete his mandate; 29% consider that he could only leave by a revocation referendum; 23% elects the option of taking to the streets while 71 % supports institutionalism. Regarding the economy 35% call for a strong hand against the hoarders and speculators”; 29% favor an alliance between the national government and private enterprise; again only a minority 22 % want the President to “leave now”.


The leadership of the 40 year olds that promoted disturbances does not represent the youth nor the majority of the country; they do not even represent the majority of the opposition. Leopoldo López, unleashed violence of February 12 egging on the people to destroy the building of the public prosecutor’s office and then fade away. They came in third in the primary elections for the presidency,

María Corina Machado, feverish supporter of the firing up line did not obtain even 2% of the votes. Both compete to snatch leadership from the ultra right of Capriles who declared that the government cannot be conquered by disturbances in the street after having called for actions that left a dozen dead.

In 2002 the employers unión, Fedecamaras, imposed a coup d’etat, with a president who lasted only 72 hours, attempted to break the country with a two month lockout of companies and cut the distribution of food. The current wave of violence after the businesses melted away in ghost imports of 50 billion dollars that the government had granted them with privileged exchange rates. After business persons began an economic war with strategic shortages and usury over prices while the government counteracted with a Law of Right Prices setting a profit of 30%. The protestors call for another 60 billion of vaporized dollars? Legalize benefits of 1,500%? A new dictatorship?

Or are they desperate calls for a coup d etats or foreign intervention? The last and most violent focus of disturbances are in some municipalities of the border state of Trujillo that has a long standing history for para military infiltrations. Excuse for an invasion that cuts off the rich eastern part of Venezuela? Re colonization of the Homeland of Bolivar? Everything can be expected from those who believe they have the right without counting on anyone’s vote.

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