What would happen if the Venezuelan opposition were French?
Cuba USA

What would happen if the Venezuelan opposition were French?

By Salim Lamrani

The case of congress woman María Corina Machado is revealing since the French legal system would be implacable with her.

Since February of 2014 Venezuela is suffering a violence designed by the extreme coup right wing. Contrary to what is presented by the western mass media, limited to nine municipalities of the 335 in the country, calmness reins in the vast majority of the national territory. Particularly in the popular barrios. Some students from well to do families – far from demonstrating peacefully as the western press makes us believe – participate in serious criminal actions. But they are far from being a majority. In fact, most of the persons arrested have criminal background and several are even sought by Interpol [1]

The opposition directs these actions to the new wealthy sectors. Although the violence is limited, geographically, they have been deadly. In fact, at least 37 persons lost their lives under conditions particularly horrific: six persons who rode in motorcycles were decapitated by wires stretched across the streets. On the other hand, five members of the Bolivarian National Guard and a prosecutor of the Republic were killed by armed groups and eight persons who tried to open the road and take down the barricades were executed. Close to 600 persons were wounded, including 150 members of the police [2]

Material damages are immense surpassing 10 000 million dollars with the multiplication of acts of terrorism and sabotage that are represent the democratic and social Bolivarian Revolution: busses burnt, subway stations sacked, one university – the UNEFA – was completely destroyed by fire, tons of food products destined to the public super markets were reduced to ashes, public buildings and ministerial buildings were looted, electoral institutions destroyed, etc. [3]

María Corina Machado is one of the intellectual authors of these criminal actions. Congresswoman of the opposition, far from respecting constitutional legality of the country, launched several public calls to violence: “The people of Venezuela have only one answer” “Rebellion, rebellion. Some say we should wait for elections in several years. Can those who wait to find food to feed their children? Can public workers, the farmers and tradesmen wait when their rights to work and property are snatched? Venezuela cannot wait more”. [4]

Corina Machado has even allied herself to a hostile foreign power by representing Panama during a meeting of the Organization of American States in flagrant violent to article 149 and 191 of the Constitution. The first stipulates that “public officials cannot accept posts, honors or rewards from foreign governments without the authorization of the National Assembly.”

The second article stipulates that “congress persons of the National Assembly cannot accept or hold public office without losing their investiture except for teaching, academic activities, accidents or attendance, if it does not require exclusive dedication.” [5]

This congress woman has just lost her parliamentary immunity and her position as representative to Parliament [6]. If she refuses to accept her new legal position emphasizing that her mandate can only be revoked in cases of death, resignation, repeal or removal of office if ruled by the courts” [7] The law is very clear: According to the Internal Regulation and Debates of the National Assembly, parliamentary immunity can be revoked with a majority vote of the congress persons, that was the case in point. [8] As for the position of this congresswoman it was automatically terminated due to violation of articles 149 and 191 according to the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice [9].

What would happen if María Corina Machado were French? She would immediately face the true force of the law. In effect, the dismissed congresswoman acted against the fundamental interests of the nation, against the “republican form of its institutions (article 410-1) by calling for a violent collapse of constitutional order [10].

In the same manner, article 411-4 stipulates that “maintaining intelligence with a foreign power, with foreign companies or organizations or under foreign control or with its agents to promote hostilities or acts of aggression against France, is penalized by 30 years in jail and 450 000 Euros fine. The same penalties for providing a foreign power, foreign company or organization or under foreign control or its agents the means to promote hostilities or acts of aggression against France.” In fact Corina Machado has regularly met with representatives of the United States Defense Department that plays a key role in the destabilization of Venezuela.

Corina Machado would also fall to the rigors of article 412-2 of the Penal Code and would be accused of plotting: “Constitution plots refers to the resolution taken by various persons of committing an attack when this resolution is determined through specific actions or various material acts. Plots are punishale with ten years in jail and 150 000 Euros fine. Detention is raised to twenty years in criminal detention and 300 000 Euros fine when the person is a public authority committing these actions”.

Corina Machado has also violated articles 412-3 and 412-4 of the Penal Code. These stipulate “that an insurrectional movement with collective violence that puts at risk institutions of the Republic or actions against the integrity of national territory is punishable with fifteen years of criminal detention and 250 000 Euros fine for participating in an insurrectional movement: 1 Setting up barricades trenches or any form of action to prevent or hinder actions of the public police; 2. Openly occupy or through a ruse or destroy buildings or installations; 3. Assuring transportation of means of subsistence or communication of the insurgents; 4. Provoking groups of insurgents regardless of the means; 5. Carrying weapons; 6.Substitution of legal authority.”

If the former congress woman María Corina Machado were French she would be in jail and accused of serious crimes against the State and institutions of the Republic. The same thing would occur to the leaders of the Venezuelan opposition for participating in deadly violence since February of 2014.

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