US deeply intent on recovering domination of the Large Homeland (Patria Grande)
Cuba USA

US deeply intent on recovering domination of the Large Homeland (Patria Grande)

by Rubén Abelenda
source El Telegrafo
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

There is no longer a doubt that if the progressive movements of the Large Homeland  (Patria Grande) either detain the regional conservatism and its masters or on the contrary, as the Cuban National Hero José Martí said, the United States will fall with force over our lands of America. A Latin American congressman explained an interesting hypothesis that I share with leader on the event that the United States is playing its cards to recover its previous domination of the Large Homeland in face of the adverse geopolitical changes that a short time ago was its international hegemony.

The Congressman, who I will not name because the sources “in times of cholera”, are wary. He explains that Washington is aware that our world is multi polar and practically divided up although the Pentagon is rabid and wants to reverse the scenario with an eventual dangerous world war that would have to be carefully thought about.

According to the lawman it is in the Middle East, Africa and Asia in which the large powers have their greatest influence will be Russia, China and the White House knows that these geographic areas gradually reduce its possibilities of supremacy.

The expert pointed out that Europe, for its part, will maintain its custom because it not only depends on the current situation but fears the much quieter Asian Giant and a vigorous and well armed Russia.

It is worthwhile remembering that Washington insisted that the European Union (EU) economically sanction the government of Vladimir Putin that evidently weakened more the Old Continent than punished it. This action forced the Europeans to approach the United States to prevent Moscow and Beijing to win more territory in that region.

Europe is dispersed and crushed by its economic crisis with a Germany that swerves back and forth depending on where the economic and political benefits lie, to continue at least to lead the EU and a Ukraine with Turkey used to harass Russia.

In the midst of this unfavorable scenario for Washington, the carrion eating imperial eagle decided to increase its low flying flights over Latin America where it can guarantee oil, strategic minerals and cheap raw materials of all kinds, the Congressman explained.

He added that the geographic closeness favors the intents of the United States to at least control a region that for a long time considered its backyard and in which unfortunately a few no longer serve this North that has plundered their countries and at the same time despises them.

Latin America is again in danger after the pyrrhic defeats of the left in Argentina and Venezuela in presidential and parliamentary elections respectively and by the continued aggression of an emboldened right wing on orders of the Pentagon intensifying its attacks now against Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil and other progressive nations.

Favorable or conflicting hypothesis of the Latin American lawman apart; there leaves no doubt that the progressive movements of the Large Homeland either stops regional conservatism and its masters or, to quote the Cuban National Hero, José Martí, the United States will fall once against with force over our lands of America.

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Cuba USA
