The US is wrong and it had better change
Cuba USA

The US is wrong and it had better change

by: Patricio Montesinos
translation cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

The intent to be the everlasting master and try to maintain its international hegemony leads Washington to commit serious strategic and tactical errors that erodes the power it still has.

The geopolitical changes in today’s world in which other countries like Russia and China flex their economic, military and political muscles and challenge the White House are looked upon arrogantly by representatives of the US administration instead of considering a call to sanity.

Neither the Pentagon nor Washington have the control they had years ago in a uni-polar world. It is no longer with the ever growing strength of Russia and China and the appearances of emergent powers and regional blocks capable of changing in a not too distant period, the road of humanity.

At the same time the strategy of causing chaos in different countries and regions to garner advantages, as the saying goes “Troubled waters, fisherman's gain” has become a boomerang for the United States in quite a few places.

Its delusions of grandeur and weapons industry has them stuck in endless wars such as Iraq, Afghanistan and other conflicts of the Middle East in which they act indirectly through their weakened allies of the European Union (EU) or uncontrolled terrorist like the Islamic States (IS).

In Latin America, on the other hand, after acting without belligerence and taking a historical and important step with the re establishment of relations with Cuba now Washington embarks on attacks against Venezuela, Ecuador, El Salvador, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina to boost a correlation of forces in favor of the discredited regional right wing and without any credibility.

It is a serious error of calculation also. The United State must reconcile with the progressive countries of the Large Homeland who make important transformation for their peoples but at no time have
they declared war at least.

This they told President Barack Obama in the Summit of the Americas in Panama. As they say man is the only one who stumbles over the same rock three times. Its seems that in the case of the United States it is much more.

The aggressive pre election campaign waged in the United States, primarily between the candidates of the Republican Party is a poor omen for eventual transformations of its foreign policy that isolate
them even more and will end up like the Roman Empire.

Washington could open to the world in favor of peace although it has little time left and quashing the internal flames could lead to another civil war like the one of the Secession of the 19th century.

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Cuba USA
