The US plans to make our Large Homeland ( Patria Grande) another war zone
Cuba USA

The US plans to make our Large Homeland ( Patria Grande) another war zone

by Patricio Montesinos
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

CELAC, the Union of Nations of the South (UNASUR), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America (ALBA) as well as all the progressive forces and social movements should be in maximum alert to prevent in time the United States fulfilling its plans that would be a real military tsunami for the peoples of our Large Homeland, and fall on our homeland with the ravages of the Middle East and North Africa.

Although the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) declared in its 2nd Summit in Havana, Cuba, in 2014 that our Large Homeland is a Zone of Peace, Washington is intent to create warring conflicts in our region that extends from the Bravo River to Patagonia.

The regime in the United States is fueling old unresolved border and maritime differences that date back to colonial times intending to confront sister countries and peoples to take advantage to recover their lost influence and domination in Our America.
While the Pentagon encourages military exercises in Chile near the borders of Bolivia and Peru, at the same time it has increased military presence in the latter country intent on using it as a spearhead to destabilize South America.

Although it claims to favor peace in Colombia, the White House interrupts with its military bases to prolong the bloody conflict in that country while adding fuel in the borders with Venezuela.

The Venezuelan Revolution is Washington’s main target today also against Bolivia that peacefully demands from Chile its right to the sea and Argentina where it uses all its subversive methods for the ultra right wing headed by Mauricio Macri to win in the second round of elections and return to power.

The purpose of the United States is to overthrow any progressive government in Latin America creating unrest among the forces that favor the current processes of integration in our Large Homeland and encourage a divided right wing and its loss of prestige avid for power.

The soon to be held presidential elections in Argentina and parliamentary elections in Venezuela are at the core of the sinister plans of the Pentagon as well as the one to be held in Bolivia in February which will decide over a possible reelection for another mandate of Evo Morales.

A possible return to the Argentine government by the ultra conservatives would turn that South American State into the Israel of the United States in Latin America and one of the main bastions in the region aimed mostly against Bolivia.

Create situations of chaos prior and after the popular parliamentary elections in Venezuela and attempt to minimize “Chavism” in the future parliament are other purposes of Washington. For this it unleashes an economic war and issue unprecedented threats against the Homeland of Simón Bolívar.

The Pentagon knows full well that the Venezuelan Revolution begun by Hugo Chávez and now led by Nicolás Maduro, is an example and a key piece in Our America and the reason it shoots from every flank to weaken it.

The presidency of Maduro has had to confront all kinds of aggression from the bleeding of its economy through the contraband along the border with Colombia to the crimes and attacks by the paramilitary bands.

Also Venezuela has had to confront diplomatically the old difference with Guyana fueled by the United States and the Latin American and European right wing media attacks with the clear purpose of discrediting and laying siege against the nation.

It cannot be ruled out although it would be insane and the Latin American peoples will not cross their arms against a military attack of the Venezuelan people in the midst of the fury that upsets Washington from its loss of international domination.

CELAC, the Union of Southern States (UNASUR) the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) as well as the progressive forces and social movements must be on maximum alert to prevent in time the United States from achieving its purpose since it would be a real military tsunami for the peoples of our Large Homeland such as the one that lashes the Middle East and North Africa.

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Cuba USA
