The US battered by intense winds of geopolitical changes
Cuba USA

The US battered by intense winds of geopolitical changes

by Rubén Abelenda
source Cubadebate
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

Without crowing victory the United States seems to be on a protection count with scarce possibility of getting up and instead throwing in the towel, although using its media weapons to show another face. 

Without intending to joke about it and much less stir the winds of any confrontation, I call attention to the specific fact that in the past few weeks I have heard or read little about the new threats against the world from the spokespersons of the United States that had us accustomed on waking up at any hour of any day.

I have the habit to be in tuned to the social networks, the alternative media of Communication, regardless of how small and also the scarce international press and really I have not seen any form of coercing or intimidation from the Pentagon or the White House.
If someone can prove me wrong please let me know.
Instead Washington and its faithful European allies scavenge like millions of rats that flood the sewers of New York and shocked by the meaning for the “West” the effective operations of Russia against terrorism in Syria and the Middle East.

The leaders in the United States seem stunned. Not even the Pentagon, nor the Central Intelligence Agency nor any the special services of any other institutions had calculated the capacity of Russia to effectively deal blows with effectiveness, precision and without “collateral damages” against the terrorists of the Islamic State (IS).

They are also surprised over the short time it took Moscow to establish order and turn the situation of chaos around, a situation created by Washington and the European regimes in Syria and in several neighboring countries through IS.

The White House and its tenant, President Barack Obama, seemed on board of a plane on automatic pilot without seeing the storms of sand and winds crossing the world geopolitical map much faster even than
what was expected by the International experts.

The United States with its arrogance of a great nation always underestimates everyone else and often has led their “think tanks” to commit serious errors of calculations such as this one with Russia that has already caused important costs to the Empire in decline.

A scholarly expert commented to me that although Washington is in a state of shock, it cannot be trusted and also it not good to make exaggerated predictions that Russia seems well aware of.

The expert explained that Moscow will continue with its policy of serene, cautious, surprising and strong actions depending on the behavior of the White House.

In truth this is what President Vladimir Putin has done in face of the sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia using the Ukraine as a pretexts and embarked the European Union on the same plane battered by the winds of universal sanctions.

Of course the countries that make up the EU have been the most affected by the economic measures of the White House against the Kremlin and now don’t know how to get out of the quicksand they have fallen into on the orders of their “allied boss”.

No one doubts that the offensive of Russia in Syria against terrorism sends a clear message to the world, and especially to Washington that did not expect it nor foreseen it.

Without singing victory the United States seems to be in a protection count with scarce possibilities of getting up and is ready to throw in the towel although again uses its media weapons to show another face.

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Cuba USA
