Putin appears again
Cuba USA

Putin appears again

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The beginning by Russia of intense air attacks against strategic positions of the self proclaimed Islamic State (IS) in Syria is a clear expression of the multi polar world in which the United States and its allies cannot act however they wish. Twenty days ago, Russian foreign affairs minister, Sergei Lavrov said that Russia maintains its military cooperation with Syria and it may increase if Damascus so wishes. “We have helped, continue to help and will help the Syrian government supplying all the materials the Syrian army needs”, he added. He said Russia wants to prevent Syria from becoming another Libya referring to the immense chaos reigning in that country since it was bombed and broken up by NATO.

This week on addressing the UN General Assembly president Vladimir Putin was very critical of the countries that feel it is their right to act on the fringe of the international organization and its Charter; that have intervened militarily and have ripped asunder several countries of the Middle East. Referring to the responsibility of NATO and the rise of the IS and the hypocrisy of some who claim to fight terrorism he berated: “I want to address all those who helped to spark the conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. Have you realized what you have done?

“All attempts to play with the terrorists, finance them are fatal and can have catastrophic consequences. Sirs and madams, you are getting involved with very cruel people that are neither fools nor primitive.
They are not as foolish as you and who knows who uses them for their own ends”.

The IS is another Frankenstein, created by the eagerness of imperialist plunder. The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar financed the alleged moderate Syrian rebels that ended up occupying large parts of that Arabian country under the orders of Al Qaeda and some of its off shoots. Later, it
seems, with good help from the Israeli secret services has led to this barbaric and bloodthirsty group that got out of hand – as happened with the Talibans in Afghanistan – and now extends over vast regions of Syria, Iraq and intends to destabilize the Lebanon. Their declared purpose is to set up an “Islamic” caliphate throughout the Muslim world. However, they have been condemned by the most prestigious Islamic scholars. Until now the coalition created by the United States a year ago to fight the IS, allegedly formed by 6o countries has not managed even to tickle them with their air strikes. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has confessed the failure of its multi millionaire plans to train “moderate” Syrian rebels to confront the extremist organization. Many are killed the minute they enter Syrian territory or have passed with weapons and baggage to the ranks of the enemy they
were supposedly fighting.

A crucial difference between the coalition created by the United States and the effort begun by Russia is that the first arose without counting on the legitimate Syrian government of president Bashar al-Asaad nor with the UN Security Council. Their actions, therefore, are illegal and illegitimate.

On the other hand the Russian air force is in Syria at the request of Damascus and agreement with the governments of Iran and Iraq. A Center of Information was set up in the Iraqi capital that shares intelligence and coordinates actions against the IS. Putin, in accordance with them has called on the United States and its allies to join the effort to eliminate the IS and even discourage young people attracted to it and give an opportunity to those who joined in the adventure and now want to leave it.

But do it through a resolution of the UN Security Council. He emphasized also that "participation of Arab and Islamic countries was of key importance and mentioned specifically, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. It is impossible to continue enduring the existing world order, Putin concluded.

Celebrating 70 years of the founding of the United Nations we were able to listen to the brilliant and much applauded words of president Raúl that is very important since Cuba is a world reference for the
peoples who fight for social justice, peace and international

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Cuba USA
