Little is spoken of those who will take advantage of the events of November 13th
Cuba USA

Little is spoken of those who will take advantage of the events of November 13th

by Jorge Wejebe Cobo
source EL Surtidor
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The basic facts:

On Friday evening there were six attacks, almost simultaneous in Paris: shootings in several bars and balconies of the center; the capture of hostages in the Bataclan Hall where hundreds of persons were killed and three explosions in the vicinity of the Stadium of France where a French team held a friendly game with Germany.

- There are more than 129 dead and 352 wounded of Which 99 are in critical condition.
- The French police question the father and brother of the terrorists identified in the Bataclan. The police also searched their homes to try to gather clues of the kamikaze identified by his fingerprints.

- They wore identical bullet proof vests and carried Kalashnikov assault rifles. At least one intended to detonate a bomb in the stands of the Stadium of France but security prevented it. Seeing he was cornered he detonated the explosives.

Some considerations 

Judging from press reports the Islamic State (IS) was under strong pressure by the Russian bombings in Syria and an agreement was possible between the Kremlin and the US and NATO for more cooperation in the battle against terrorism, although the overthrow of the Syrian president the allies want, continues to be a fundamental difference with Russia.

In this context the events of Friday the 13th can be understood as an offensive of the IS to send terror to Europe and warn Russia the price they may pay if the continue with their attacks. Otherwise the violence of N13 could be reason enough at last to impose a real effective international alliance against those responsible and that world public opinion demands. 

Nevertheless the IS does not seem to be in its last breath. It has been revealed that they receive more than 100 million dollars a month through the illegal sale of oil in the occupied territories of Iraq. And the strange case is openly perceived for any interested reader of the issue:

The oil wells that continue to function are in plain view from the air and reach of the military strength of the powers battling the IS and nothing seems to happen.

Later the oil is illegally sold by the most dangerous terrorist group in history and enemy of almost all humanity needs to transport and ship it in a safe port to a tanker ship that sails along the most watched and militarily controlled seas in the world to its destination. Perhaps Europe.

The IS members watch Al Qaeda over their shoulders although they recognize a good beginning with the “unforgettable” September 11. But blame them for not being sufficiently intransigent and hard against the alleged infidels.

But memory is short and no alarms bells are sounded beyond the western rhetoric against the group. Although NATA air forces acted in outlying places. But also it is a truth accepted by the Largest States of the World that only from the aire can an enemy be completely defeated on land. Whoever has doubts it is enough to study the role of allies who had no choice but to invade Nazi Germany and destroy its largest cities and industries with their aviation.

To make matters worse the Syrian authorities claim that Saudi Arabia and the anti hutie coalition led by Riad are evacuating them from the Russian attacks and sending them to the war in Yemen.

“According to intelligence information on October 26 four planes arrived from Turkey in the Aden airport (Yemen). Two were from the Turkish Airlines, one from Qatar Airways and another of the United Arab Emirates” reported a spokesman of the Syrian Air force, Ali Mayhub, taken from TASS news agency.”

“The coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched its campaign against the Hutie rebels on March of 2015 in response to taking part in the Ansar Allah movements in large territories of Yemen that included Sana, the capital, and the second largest city in the country, Aden”. We should recall that Saudi Arabia is a strong ally of the US in the region and one of the most interested in destroying the Syrian government.

Also such a qualified source as Hillary Clinton, possible next candidate for the Democrats for the presidency of the US recently said: “We financed poorly the Syrian reels and that gave rise to the Islamic State”.

To follow the clues would be a large intent of gathering information already known and evidence of the strange case of repetition of Al Qaeda II that was the birth, rise and peak of the Islamic State, in the shadow of the gendarmes of the world, event that today in fact of the atrocity of the crime that mourns France, few media sources remember it integrally.

In addition, operatively the IS has demonstrated capacity in communications, of mobilizing people, has weapons, explosives and all kinds of equipment coordinated and perhaps in all of Europe covered by the security services to deal blows with impunity in front of the police forces who were incapable of penetrating the web opportunely.

Reading the about the events would be favorable for the xenophobia by stimulating the neo Nazi parties in Europe who exploit the real dangers for the European Community, it free border and the arrival of waves of immigrants – feasibly used in some cases by the terrorists – who flee to save their lives fin the conflict zones, primarily from Syria where a civil war has developed gladly by the very same governments who intended to overthrow the regime of Damascus in 2011 in a matter of days as occurred in Libya. 

Citizen insecurity promoted by these events and the sentiments that appear in the common citizen is the need for a hard hand to protect them from this barbarity that will surely be exploited by the European extreme right wing and the neo Nazis in their plan to gain strength and achieve power in elections. This is reminiscent of September 11 although, of course, with large differences of all kind.

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