Syria and the geopolitical vision of Putin
Cuba USA

Syria and the geopolitical vision of Putin

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

Despite the fierce western propaganda against, the Operation of the air force and more recently the Russian navy against important command positions, Communication, weapons and logistics of the self proclaimed
Islamic State (IS) has demonstrated it high effectiveness, equally, by its transparency and accounts of the results, of the Russian people and those of the world.

This is in sharp contrast to the strange, dark and failed aire war of the United States and its allies for more than a year and the self proclaimed “caliphate”.

It is evident that the Russians prior to the campaign have made a careful study of human intelligence through the Syrian Arab Army also through satellite intelligence, drones and communication interception.
Consequently neither the pilots nor the missiles fly blindly but with clear definition and corroboration beforehand of the targets to attack in each mission.
The fact of operating in cooperation with the Syrian army allows a maximum of effectiveness with the intimate knowledge of the terrain of this country and local problem. With the exception of the Kurds and, of course, the legendary combatants of Hezbollah any other irregular forces in Syria and Iraq seem to lack a strategy and unity of command.

As members of IS trained by Washington and its western allies and financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar with many geopolitical objectives that are not necessarily the same from one country to another. First is the overthrow of Bashar al-Asaad and weakening of Iran but strategically pointing against Russia and control of the hydrocarbons and oil pipelines. Of course, their loyalties can change overnight and many would become the most pious soldiers of fortune. The “moderate rebels” only seem to exist in the discourse of the western media.

Putin has called for an international coalition against IS recalling the anti Hitler allies and the Russian military chiefs want to meet face to face with their US colleagues in Moscow to discuss a series of practical and objective problems they are finding. What other logical and reasonable positions could Washington do to repair, if possible, the image of imperialist genocide burned into the souls of the Arab and Muslim peoples.

The Kremlin with the proverbial strategic view point of Putin has not launched into a ridiculous adventure as happened to the Soviet Union with the military intervention of Afghanistan. First it took all the political and diplomatic steps necessary for a high ranking level of exchange with Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United States and the memorable speech of Putin in the UN General Assembly with fidelity to real facts and his reasonable statements that contrasted notably with those of Obama. We know he is talented but can reach a degree of
fantasy that his statements leaves him looking bad.

Ergo, that intent to present himself as the prophet of peace and harmony in the world and, especially in the Middle East after the bloody damages and terrible destruction caused by the United States and its allies against the people of the region with not the slightest respect of international right.

Meanwhile the mafia media continues following its anti Russian propagandist script without being able to present any proof of the alleged civilian dead by Moscow, the Yankee aviation revealed to the eyes of the world the attack of an Afghan hospital in Kunduz that killed 22 patients and members of the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) who consider the attack as a war crime. There is a serious problem that the MSV had given the coordinates of the hospital to the US and Afghan command days before and bombing began against that lasted an hour.

Amazingly Israel kills innocent Palestinians brazenly and with impunity, desecrates the sacred places of Islam in Jerusalem and extends it illegal settlements in this colonial holocaust and plunder that has not stopped since 1948. These are crimes only possible through financial, military and diplomatic support the United States
offers with the complicity of the European Union.

It is obvious that Russia acts according to international right in defense of Syria. The seige of its land borders by NATO have responded in the Ukraine with the recovery of Crimea, a geopolitical step that completely strengthens its presence in the Arab country by the petition of Damascus and consequently in the Mediterranean. Many members of IS are from the Russian Caucasus and intend to wage a “holy war. Some day we will learn how the CIA had played its cards there to achieve the dismemberment of Russia.

The objective of Moscow is to achieve a negotiated solution to the conflict in Syria and these military actions are aimed at sitting at the dialogue table of the interested parties. It will not be easy. Neither is the nuclear agreement with Iran easy and it is already a fact.

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