US: Fierce dispute over nuclear agreement with Iran
Cuba USA

US: Fierce dispute over nuclear agreement with Iran

by Angel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Thirty six retired generals and admirals of the United States have published a letter vigorously supporting the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program reached after long and arduous negotiations between Teheran and the 5+1 group. This group is composed of the following countries: China, the United States, France, the United Kingdom and Russia (the permanent members of the UN Security Council) plus Germany.

The letter states that “there is no better option to prevent Iran from achieving a nuclear weapon” and that “a military action would be less effective than the agreement”. If this agreement was achieved by Washington, “Iran could have a nuclear weapon in a year”. A rabbi and former navy chaplain, admiral Harold L. Robinsom, who signed the letter has expressed : “As a Zionist in my whole life, devoted to Israel and high ranking official and rabbi for more than 40 years and acting without institutional obstacles have only one view. Those of us who love Israel in the United States have no other thought and have one voice over this issue. I thought it was important to represent the diversity of the United States Jewish community”.
The letter by the retired military chiefs follows another sent to President Obama last weekend in which 29 of the most important US scientists considered the nuclear agreement ‘technically solid,
rigorous and innovative”.

The letters are an important support for the battle Obama is waging up stream to achieve that many democratic legislators vote against the resolution disapproving the nuclear agreement. If this resolution passes congress the White House would not be able to lift the sanctions against Iran. Of course, the United States would be confronting its closest allies, eager to do business with Iran and
would see no reason to destroy an agreement that cost so much effort of the diplomats. As Secretary of State, John Kerry said – tomorrow the embassy in Havana will be inaugurated – our allies will laugh at us and the dollar will no longer be the international currency reserve if this agreement is rejected by Washington. Obama has gone very far expressing ‘that the option is between diplomacy and any form of war (with Iran).

The agreement has received the support of the large majority of governments of the world, including those of Latin America and the Caribbean, the European Union, Asia, Africa and, of course, the UN
Security Council. Equally all the organizations and progressive and democratic voices call for peace and denuclearization of the planet and even by an opinion course represented by Israel through the
important newspaper, Haaretz, that called in its editorial of July 14 this year to give diplomacy a chance and ponder several positive factors for Tel Aviv.

Even more, surveys demonstrate that about 60 percent of the Jews residing in the United States support the agreement, higher than the 55 percent of US citizens who express the same opinion. The US Jews are in favor of considering “ultra national” positions of the government of Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, of narrow views and eventually operates against the interests of Israel in the long run.

And it is just that the neo fascist government of Netanyahu and the most right wing and reactionary forces of the world could have as the main candidates for the Republican Party in the elections of 2016, almost all the congress persons of that party and an important number of their colleagues of the Democratic Party who oppose the agreement.

Despite febrile activity developed against the agreement reached, the United States Israeli Committee for Public Affairs (AIPAC) considered the second most important lobby in Washington after the terrible National Rifle Association. AIPAC spends between 25 and 150 million dollars to “persuade” Democratic congress persons to vote against the agreement when it is taken before Congress and promote favorable press in favor of its cause. The Zionist organization created through a coalition in collaboration with the indispensible Netanyahu to achieve a majority vote to prevent a veto by Obama of a resolution not approved by Congress.

For example, Chuck Schumer, second on board of the Democrats of the Senate has also unleashed a group contrary to the agreement.

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