N. Korea fires another missile
Cuba USA

N. Korea fires another missile

China Confidential predicted that North Korea would test to test a nuclear weapon:

On May 8 China Confidential reported:

"As many of our readers know, China Confidential was first to report that North Korea plans to detonate another nuclear device. We have since repeatedly said that the Stalinist/Kimist state could conduct its second nuclear test as early as July 4 in order to overshadow U.S. Independence Day.

In fact, North Korea could be aiming for a different U.S. holiday. Pyongyang could be moving to test a nuclear weapon this month. An underground explosion on or around Monday, May 25 is possible. The last Monday in May is Memorial Day and the unofficial start of the summer vacation season in the United States.

China Confidential analysts also expect the Stalinist/Kimist state to test-fire more missiles, especially medium-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons and striking both Japan and South Korea.

China Confidential predicted on October 5, 2006 that North Korea would conduct its first-ever nuclear weapon test on Oct. 9, 2006.

We were right, unfortunately.

Reuters reports:

World leaders condemned North Korea for carrying out nuclear and missile tests and U.S. President Barack Obama said Pyongyang's actions were a reckless challenge warranting action from the international community.

As nations prepared for emergency U.N. Security Council talks on Monday, European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana branded the test a "flagrant violation" of a Council resolution which required "a firm response."

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The nuclear device was as powerful as the bomb that the U.S. dropped on Nagasaki in World War II.

China Confidential analysts say Iranian nuclear experts assisted in the test.China Confidential is the only media outlet in the world that accurately forecast both North Korean nuclear tests, including accurately predicting the exact dates on which the tests would occur.

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Cuba USA
