Charlie Hebdo, religion and geopolitics in the European Pandora’s Box.
Cuba USA

Charlie Hebdo, religion and geopolitics in the European Pandora’s Box.

by Katu Arkonada
source alainet
translation by Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

1 Charlie Hebdo. In the most impacting event since 2014, 12 persons that include civilians and police have been killed in Paris by a commando of 3 hooded French persons that broke into the offices of the humorous weekly Charlie Hebdo. In a globalized world in which we do not know if revolutions are broadcast but instead invasions, terrorist attacks and anything else that goes in to the cocktail of the so called “Shock Doctrine”. We have even been able to view executions, practically in real time of one of the gendarmes that protected the offices of the weekly. 

2 France. French and western “public opinion” mobilize and fill the street, mostly social groups, with indignation. The attack was produced against 12 white and European men (it appears that there was a Muslim secretary and gendarmes as “collateral” victims).  In a France that led NATO attacks that devastated Libya or the genocide against Palestine that Israel terrorism prohibited. The death of their establishment (although politically incorrect) has outraged civilian society and their political and economic elites. 

3 Mexico. In an aside, since 2000 en Mexico there has been murders, disappeared and tortured in many cases, 102 journalist without producing a reaction that appears currently in the West in general and their left wing.

4 Freedom of Speech. Freedom of speech is not an absolute right. In a collision that violates we have the right to live free of racism and xenophobia. This limit has been surpassed by Charlie Hebdo once again. There was not violation of a certain limit of this freedom of expression but, of course, I haven’t seen the world ripping their clothes in the cases of Assange or Snowden as they are doing with the massacre of Charlie Hebdo. Words don’t kill but are never innocent. It is fascinating to observe how they identify with the “values” of the West of Charlie Hebdo. In this manner Pais and the Prisa group are not clear: (…) “it is not only an attack on freedom of the press and freedom of opinion. It is also an attack against fundamental values of our European democratic societies.”
5 Atheism or Barbarity. Is their any justification for some crazy religious fanatics (but perfectly trained politically and militarily) as seen in the mass media to invade the editorial office and shoot the persons there. Out of the question. But the sterile condemnations are just that if we do not stop to analyse the basic causes that are hidden in the shadows of this terrible action. Nothing justifies what happened in the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo, much less religiously but the structural causes go beyond simplistic comments, double moral and Manichaeism that floods the social networks these days. And if we want to talk about religion, In the name of Catholicism it kills thousands of women every year and those who are indignant about what happened in Paris shouting from the roof tops. Anyone who says that religions don’t kill are the same people that do so, that are aware of what they are doing at the same time the cut our freedom and our rights, both individual as collective.

6 Multiculturalism. Because freedom (to live in the land you were born in, practice a religion or defend a sexual or gender identity) is permissible if the political and the economic system of capitalism is not questioned. That is the great triumph of multiculturalism in terms of post modern expression of capitalism in the cultural sphere. But once you question established order, imperialism destroys everything in its wake, from Iraq to Palestine, from Libya to Syria. 

7 Operation Hurricane.  In 1979 U.S. president, Jimmy Carter, and his Advisor of National Security, Zbigniew Brzezinski, set up, through the CIA to arm anti communist Islamic fundamentalists to confront the government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet army. Everyone knows that the receivers of thousands of billions of dollars invested in that operation was Osama Bin Laden. 

8 Lasting Freedom. On October 7 of 2001 operation “Lasting Peace” was set in motion to end with the Talibans and the former partner of the U.S., Bin Laden. But between 2001 and 2014 in which every the United States according to Hillary Clinton recognized [4] having financed the ‘Free” Army of Syria in which the Islamic State arose and has suffered numerous terrorist attacks from western capitalism against the Arab world that Atilio Boron describes in his latest essay “Terror in Paris, deep and grass roots” [5]: The same occurred in several forms of “state terrorism” that the democratic capitalists practiced or condoned in the Arab world: torture, humiliations, ignominy committed in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and the secret jails of the CIA; the massacres in Libya and in Egypt, the daily indiscriminate killing by U.S. drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan where only two of every hundred victims reached by their missiles are terrorist; the “exemplary” lynching of Kaddafi (in which Hillary Clinton broke out in guffaws over this repulsive act); the interminable genocide practiced against the Palestinians by Israel with the blessing and protection of the United States and the European governments, crimes, all these of genocide that do not move the democratic and humanistic conscience of the West. 

9 Imperialism. Meantime international public opinion becomes more and more Islamophobic (yes there is also an islamophobic of the left) the covers up colonialism, racism and neo fascism that impregnates the very fabric of the European Union. There terrorists are always the other, we have no problem to define as terrorist and commando of religious fundamentalists but do not apply the same measuring stick to European governments with a long history of colonialism and terrorism, subordinated to the United States and the imperialist tools of NATO. 

10 Europe. Europe rises from misery to splendor, La Polla Records sang. Well in that Europe of the States and capital that today calls for freedom of speech Basque newspapers were closed; for example Egin or Egunkaria while the Je Suis Charlie looked the other way. It is in that Europe where the following day of the attack in Madrid, Facu Diaz, a journalist of La Tuerca  was accused for a sketch [6] that simulated the dissolution and delivery of arms to the Partido Popular. In Spain that proved the deaths of dozens of sub Saharan immigrants with a more lethal wall (literally in case it needs explaining) than 2 Kalashnikovs. It is in this France, European force where the racist and xenophobic party such as the National Front is legal. It is a party that enjoys popularity and will be abetted by the events in Paris as well as Pegida (European Patriots against Islamization of the West) a German organization that has taken the streets of Dresden. Europe is right now a Pandora’s Box where the left wing and rightwing hold the same policies that target the peoples, the resistances, the community networks and identities to helps pave the road to impose a neo liberal and anti democratic project.

11 Democracy. One day the life of a French person is worth the same as of an Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian, Egyptian or Palestinian, the day the freedom of the press is worth the same in France as in the Basque Country, the day when the killing of a journalist from the North is worth the same as one from the South, that day we will be closer to build a true democracy. A democracy that can only be secular and anti imperialist.  Democracy is not in danger from a “clash of civilizations” but by colonial logic that reproduces the .capitalist system. 

12 Kobane.  I am not Charlie Hebdo; I am one more of the brothers and sisters in Kobane that fight U.S. and Turkish imperialism (that have jailed their leader Abdullah Öcalan while fighting its bastard son, the Islamic State. The militants of the left are challenged to build a secular project to confront neo liberal fundamentalism that imposes a shock treatment of the capitalist system. That is our task not free from obstacles and contradictions so we must clothe ourselves in an anti fascist and anti imperialist ethics.

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