The language of the US and international right wing to confuse the peoples
Cuba USA

The language of the US and international right wing to confuse the peoples

by Rubén Abelenda
transaltion Cuba - Network in Defesne of Humanity

It would be worthwhile to study the language and phrases created by the United States and its buddies to lie to humanity and, in fact, to expose definitively in the moments in which our planet earth goes through one of its worse challenges: its extinction in an eventual third world war of large proportions.

I stopped for a few days to observe attentively the language and some of the phrases employed by the United States and the international right wing, repeated by the “large” mass media and international press to manipulate and confuse the peoples and attack the progressive governments.

I selected a few expressions and words Washington uses and from its large tentacles, the conservative sectors and media emporiums repeat like parrots to deceive millions of persons around the world to maintain their decadent universal power.

Those most repeated refer to terrorism, wars and subversion promoted by the Pentagon to justify its belligerent action against those nations it considers its “adversaries” or intends to destabilize to benefit its economic and geopolitical interests.
This is the case of so called “opposers of dictatorial regimes” such as Syria today and is none other than terrorists and mercenaries trained and financed by the US administrations such as the members of the Islamic State (IS). 

The mercenaries who have claimed the status of “dissidents” and those employed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other special services of the United States identified as “contractors” who, of course, are much of the same and are prepared to assassinate, spy and disturb order in a country.

A monster the CIA gave birth to has only one mission, to subvert and works actively in Latin America. For some time it has had the name of the Agency of the United States for International Development (USAID) that offers little to progress and much to a backward movement.

In its “fight against terrorism” that Washington proclaims since the attacks to the Twin Towers of New York, in reality masks any military aggression against other nations and includes another famous phrase: collateral damages” used to justify attacks and crimes against civilian populations.

Of course when the Pentagon talks of “defending Human Rights” in any country it is practically a threat of war and imposition of future economic and political sanctions.

Today’s “prosecutor of the world” qualifies as “democratic” those neo liberal governments of the right wing or those who comply with their plans and are “democratic candidates and presidents” those implicated in acts of corruption, drug trafficking, paramilitarism and those who repress their peoples. 

On the other hand Washington considers “dictatorships” as the governments that promote social welfare programs to benefit its people, who do not sell the wealth of their country to the highest bidder and redistributes the wealth among the most destitute nor accepts foreign interference in their internal affairs.

Of course the word the United States uses to deceive and denigrate the heads of state that defend sovereignty and independence of their nations, as “dictators” and they are not the likes of Augusto Pinochet, of Chile, or Jorge Rafael Videla, of Argentina, and quite a few others that always counted on the unconditional support of the Pentagon.

For the White House “innocent political prisoners” are those who committed violence, acts of terrorism or assassinations like the heads of the “guarimbas” in Venezuela and not the thousands of Muslims who are not tried but are still tortured in the secret jails of the CIA in Europe and the illegal military base in Guantanamo, a territory stolen from Cuba.

The Venezuelan clones of the terrorist Luis Posada Carrilles responsible for the bombing in mid flight in 1976 of a Cubana de Aviacion plane off the coast of Barbados that cost the lives of 73 persons are free to walk the streets of Miami because they are “fighters for democracy”.

It would be worthwhile to make a profound study of language and phrases made, created by the United States and its buddies to lie to humanity and, in fact, definitively unmask them at this time that our planet earth is in danger against one of the worse threats of its extinction caused by en eventual third world war of large proportions.

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Cuba USA
