Europe harvests what it planted
Cuba USA

Europe harvests what it planted

by Frei Beto
source Cubadebate
translation Cuba - Network in DEfense of Humanity

We all witness on the media the migratory flow to Western Europe of Africans and Arabs from countries in conflict\ such as Syria, Iraq, Eritrea and Libya. This part of 2015 332 thousand undocumented immigrants have arrived at the Old Continent. Also, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea have buried, from January to august of this year 2 500 fugitives from poverty and violence in search of a little bread and peace. In 2014 the number was 3 500.

One of the most dramatic cases is of 71 immigrants found dead in a truck near Vienna, suffocated due to the lack of ventilation. What the Nazis did in the 1930s and 40s is now repeated with a lower but not less tragic number.

Pope Francisco has made insistent calls in defense of these victims of a hegemonic world by which the system of free circulation of currency finds no reciprocity in the free circulation of persons. The borders are open for Capital. For persons they are all closed, mostly if these persons are black or Muslims since prejudice considers them potential terrorists.

The European Union has decided that every member country should accept a set quota of immigrants. However who flees from hunger and war does not understand statistics. What they want is a place in under the sun of this world marked by inequality and indifference.
It is sad to see children walking along roads and old people dragging themselves under the barbed wire, targets of the police that try to prevent this with gas bombs, tracking dogs, electrified wires and blows.

Western Europe harvests the fruits of the malignant plants they planted: centuries of colonialism in Africa, and support of dictatorships in the East. After stripping natural wealth and maintaining bloody dictators, the Europeans left a trail of poverty and violence. If it had promoted democracy and development of those countries they would not now be lifting walls to contain the hordes of immigrants and these would not risk their lives in the waters of the Mediterranean holding on to fragile boats in hopes of a better life.

The European Union supported the brutal intervention of the United States in the Arab countries. Then after having maintained Saddam Hussein, Kadafi and Bashar al-Assad, the western powers with their eyes placed in the oil of these countries used the pretext of terrorism to overthrow their previous puppets and leave these places in chaos.

Western Europe has forgotten their past. From 1890 and 1910 more than 17 million Europeans migrated to the United States, in other words 570 thousand each year. Other thousands came to South America. And that occurred when the world population was scarcely a quarter of today’s numbers. The migratory flow across the Atlantic was much more intense than it is today.

Why didn’t Western Europe close the borders after the fall of the Berlin wall, when the migratory movement from east to west intensified? Could it because the peoples of the east and Slav features, white skin like the snow and light colored eyes? Nothing better than employing – in hotels, restaurants, shops and domestic residences – people with a “good appearance”.

Prejudice kills: its victims and the human values we theoretically defend. Discrimination reveals its true face.


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