War and Recession: the promise of the United States pax
Cuba USA

War and Recession: the promise of the United States pax

by Emir Sader
source Alainet
translation Cuba – Network in Defense of Humanity

The world suffered the most radical change in a long time with the pass from bipolarity to the hegemonic US unipolarity. Few decades were needed to know the end of the “cold war” was not an end to wars but, on the contrary, their multiplication under voracious United States imperial offensives. Entire civilizations were destroyed – such as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria – while the United States of America claims the responsibility of being the police of the world; endless wars, pockets of conflicts multiplied.

But US imperial hegemony and the end of a bipolar world in which a globalization of the capitalist system would lead to stability and economic expansion. The fragile effort of the capitalist economy in the past decades, since 2008 in the very center of the systems, finds a deep and prolonged recessive crisis from which it has not known how to overcome, leaving behind destruction of what is still mentioned as social welfare in Europe and record levels of unemployment. 
Is that the utopia of the capitalist and imperial system imposed on the world? Was it on behalf of those scenarios that has proposed the destruction of all that opposed it? Was th at why the market kingdom and US of A warring superiority were imposed? Was it with these objectives that Europe proposed to destroy its past of social rights? Is that what the USA invites countries to participate in its treaties of free trade? 

This miserable world, founded on the power of money and weapons is, in fact, the end of a cycle. The countiesthat resist are beginning a new cycle of construction of a world based on rights and solidarity.

But that honey moon of US unipolar hegemony did not last long. The Brics, China, Russia, the progressive Latin American countries are the links of an economically multi polar world that has begun to install a geopolicy based on a world bi polarity. 

The center of recession of capitalism applies pressure on all the countries but the rest of the world has not entered such a deep and prolonged recession as happened in the past. The US could not invade Syria and unleash a new focus in a war that would include Iran. The USA continues its road of large power in today’s world but now finds limits it had not thought of when it won in the cold war.

The world marked by US imperial hegemony is a world of wars and recession. Europe needs to understand this and, the new candidate of the British Labor Party not follow US foreign policy to feel safe. Another economic model is needed and not one of austerity, to be assumed by the European countries. 

The Brics point to another political, economic and military geometry of the worlds. Where will Europe stand?

Latin America already contributes to a multi polar world with Mercosur, Unasur, Celac; with the direct participation of Brazil in the Brics and agreements signed between the countries of the region with the Brics, with China and with Russia. The US no longer has its back yard. Mexico bleeds for paying the price of its repeated submission to its northern neighbor. Europe backs down from austerity. Iraq and Afghanistan were destroyed by the warmongering power of the US of A.

The 21st century is the scenario of a struggle for a new hegemony in the world, shared, democratic, of negotiation to solve conflicts, of an economy based on the needs of the people and not the imperative of speculative capital.

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Cuba USA
