US To create community surveillance network
Cuba USA

US To create community surveillance network

By Manuel Yepe

Exactly fifty-five years after Cuba created the Comités de Defensa de
la Revolución [Committees for the Defense of the Revolution] as a
popular community network for counter-terrorist work to guard the
freedoms and rights conquered by the social revolution of the Cuban
people and to deal with the actions of a violent terrorist campaign
sponsored and conducted by the United States government, Washington
has announced the formation of an anti-terrorist community network in
its own country.

On September 28, 1960, in response to a terrorist act against a public meeting in front of what was then the Palacio Presidential (now the Museum of the Revolution), the hundreds of thousands of participants at the rally voted to form an organization for the defense of the revolution. In a short time, it became the most massive of Cuban organizations to safeguard the objectives of the country's political

From those early days to the present, the CDRs have been one of the
most valuable contributions of Cuba to universal revolutionary
practice and an organization as admired by revolutionary fighters
worldwide as they have been vilified by the enemies of popular

Now a project arises, surprisingly in the United State, aimed at
getting grassroots support to act against terrorism. It could have
certain similarities with the CDRs of Cuba. However, everything
indicates that this is a strategy to win grassroots allies for the
attack on individual freedoms. The superpower is carrying this out
within the framework of the so-called "war on terrorism" unleashed by
the Bush, Jr. administration after September 11, 2001 and continued by
Obama. The genuine threat used as a pretext for the “war” has been
manipulated and exaggerated, both internally and internationally, to
maintain the prevailing system of domination.

According to the Voice of America, the official US broadcast network,
Washington launched this plan with a view to detecting extremist
Americans who are looking to join up with Islamic extremists.

To this end, intelligence networks will be created at a community
level, in coordination with the Department of Justice and the US
Attorney General, to speedily detect any dangerous element which could
pose a threat to the national security and safety of people in the
United States.

The announcement of this initiative was made by US Attorney General,
Eric Holder, who said that it should be "creative and aggressive
against violent extremism and in its fight against those who preach
intolerance, division and hatred, not only within our borders but also
with our international partners.”

The operative will act together with local authorities to create
networks of cooperation within communities. The goal will be to
identify potential terrorists, at a time when, according to new
intelligence reports, "there are Americans seeking to reach Syria and
Iraq to join the armed struggle of the jihadists and similar extremist
groups. "

"We must never lose sight of what the extremists fear most: the
strength of our communities, our unwavering respect for equality,
rights and civil liberties; and our permanent commitment to justice,
democracy and respect for the law," Holder said without blushing.

The Department of Justice has not announced in what cities this
initiative will be
implemented. President Barack Obama met with the UN Security Council
to discuss the threat posed by foreign jihadists and extremists. It
was expected that the announcement would be made there.

Nevertheless, we must remember that the popular defense system created
by the Cuban revolution was based on a very massive feeling of
belonging in the population of the island, which generated it and
still keeps it alive.

The US government never hesitated to employ, and later to receive and
protect hundreds of terrorists used against Cuba. It has cruelly
punished Cuban patriots who –risking their own lives– gathered
information to assist Washington in monitoring the activities of Cuban
terrorists in the United States.

Washington used the Islamic State [ISIS] terrorists in its campaign
against Syria. Now they say they are making war against them in Syria,
without requesting authorization from the Syrian government.

Who would believe them?

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Cuba USA
