The Victories of Ayotzinapa - The rebellion that will not be televised
Cuba USA

The Victories of Ayotzinapa - The rebellion that will not be televised

By: Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez
source Rebelión/Universidad de la Filosofía
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

In the very heart of the aberrant crime of Ayotzinapa against 43 student teachers perpetrated on September 26 of 2014 it blooms a rebellion that although still painful, and without having been able to dry their tears is educating all of us on the importance of educating us all about the importance of perseverance, clarity and political leadership of the struggles. 

That is a victory that no one sees eclipsed. We do not accept metaphysical sublimations of any legal story with fairies spread over the short term resignation. The struggle of and by the student teachers of Ayotzinapa, of and by their parents and comrades comes from the school of life, what life teaches it its higher key and it is the key of the struggle in a revolutionary phase. A great victory is specific and objective in the arms, hearts and heads of these parents and comrades who have not stopped for even a minute…for an instant.

It is a great victory of struggle that has not been squashed by the media financed by the oligarchies, that has not been devoured in oblivion and that has not been drowned in the oceans of fetid saliva of “young rich kids”, “officials”,” entrepreneurs”,” journalists” and “soldiers”.
It is an unfinished victory but a victory no less. A crucial step in resistance and political direction that, with their debates and differences advances firmly against those responsible of the crime and are not clouded by battles, nor by enemy fire; Those jumping on the bandwagon and the opportunists have also been defeated, one after the other and all who supposedly “represent” the struggle of Ayotzinapa. They self name them voluntarily or thirsting for the cameras and microphones have been crumbling one by one. What a great victory!

A year after, in spite of the cunning arguments and offensives thought of by the machines of ideological warfare, disguised as “communication media”, the whole world calls for justices and points to the State as responsible for the assassination and disappearance of 43 Mexican students. A year later the whole world asks for a deep explanation, regardless of who falls, asks where are the students? And organize popular demonstrations in every corner of the planet. 

A year later not even with all their power nor with all the Mafia scum who have been kidnapping Mexico have been able to silence the shout demanding justice with a powerful revolutionary argument from Ayotzinapa. The 43 of Ayotzinapa have not been defeated by old traps rehearsed systematically against all expression of rebellion and against the will for a change. A year later!

Although Mexico lives a suffocating political climate imposed for years and decades; although this macabre situation does not stop and that multiplies in a country bloodily kidnapped by neo liberalism; although we are steeped in a monstrous criminality; although reigns in some sector a climate of impotence and desperation … the struggle of Ayotzinapa manages to transcend rage for a long lasting organization and mobilization. It is not just “resistance” but a struggle against all “institutions” of the bourgeois, against all political parties at the service of capitalism, against a corrupt legal system in its totality, against the media machinery that are pathological protagonists of criminalization and open scandal. The role of the struggle for Ayotzinapa in such an arid scenario is an extraordinary victory. A great victory.

Today more than ever a united front is required of all the social organizations, the students on strike joined with their teachers, the self defense groups joined with the bases of MORENA, joined with the unions, with the working class. Because it is necessary to give dynamism to all the victories of the struggle of Ayotzinapa to accompany (never supplant, nor displace) those who sustain the entire planet that today can make an historical call forward in unity because only the people can save the people if its organized with an emancipating program of truth.

The struggle of Ayotzinapa and form the 43 is a victory that is slashing anti-political prejudices and is giving birth to a semantic revolution in the hands of these young people inspired by a revolutionary policy and inspires the historical conquests it won, a short time ago, the Mexican people with the Revolution of 1910. A victory in truth different and free that is a tool for the struggle against all forms the old agrarian and bloody policy capitalism imposed on Mexico with its puppets. A victory thrust by the young people to overcome the crisis of a revolutionary direction that is a burden to all humanity. Victory of the struggle from Ayotzinapa and for the whole world is capable of expressing and explosion of proposals to obtain consensus and always call on other groups to join and become a revolutionary movement that is conquering. On its feet, step by step.

This victory of those who struggle - from, with and towards Ayotzinapa has placed the government and its business sector that supports it under very powerful popular pressure. A solution will be reached sooner or later if the program delves deeply in the case of Ayotzinapa (and in many other cases). This is a victory, partial yes but a victory always that is homage to the fallen and disappeared as well as those on foot and mobilizing the planet. A new, fresh and correct victory capable of avoiding provocations, prejudices and infiltrations for the immediate and by the immediate. Victory of organizations with new political ideas capable of understanding the problems and wishes of the youth to stop all that attacks our people. They took them alive, we want them back alive!

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