We are all Ayotzinapa! / Atilio Borón
Cuba USA

We are all Ayotzinapa! / Atilio Borón

By Atilio Boron
Source rebelion
Translation Network in Defense of Humanity

An indescribable crime about a month since its perpetration and no one has been arrested. How is it possible that a state that has aformidable apparatus of security cannot identify even one person responsible for such barbarity? Just like we all went to Tlatelolco during the massacre of the Mexican students on October 2 of 1968 in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, in Tlatelolco in Mexico, the massacre of Ayotzinapa touches us all; grieves us all and the intellectual and material authors cannot be forgotten and hide in impunity.

We are enraged by the double standard of the empire and its henchmen; of the United States and European lackeys that had this monstrous crime in Ayotzinapa occurred in Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador or Venezuela
they would unleash all media artillery, political, economic and diplomatic against those countries charging the barbarity committed before the international courts and Institutes demand a rapid identification and punishment of the guilty, the purging of the police and military forces involved and demanding very harsh
sentences for such an aberrant violation of Human Rights. But this occurred in Mexico and since the Mexican
government is a strategic piece in the sinister Alliance of the Pacific, invented by Washington to contain
the growing influence of China in Latin America, then the press of the right wing closes its eyes; the governments of the United States and Europe look the other way and in fact cover up the crime and therefore become accomplices of such a horrendous crime.
Horrendous by the way it was perpetrated, horrendous by the character of its victims, horrendous by the method of getting rid of the bodies and the infinite pain inflicted on their families. In the massacre of
Tlatelolco the dead were collected by garbage trucks and later incinerated. Only a few were rescued before the “cleanliness” ordered by the authorities. The number of victims was never officially confirmed but impartial observers agree that the number was in the range of the three hundreds.

In Ayotzinapa history repeats itself but with a difference: at least we know the names of the 43 brave young men were disappeared. But there are common graves discovered all over the place that speak of
state terrorism with sinister ramifications and whose crimes recently appeared. Unfortunately Ayotzinapa seems to be just the tip of a somber iceberg.

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