State of crime and genocide in Iguala, Mexico: Network in Defense of Humanity plenary session in Caracas.
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State of crime and genocide in Iguala, Mexico: Network in Defense of Humanity plenary session in Caracas.

A declaration about the State crime and genocide in Iguala, Mexico,approved by the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity was issued in a plenary session in Caracas, in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in December of 2014. The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity adds its deep indignation over the State crime and genocide committed in Iguala, Mexico in which six persons were illegally executed, three students of the Isidro Burgos Teacher’s School of Ayotzinapa while 43 teacher’s students were forcibly disappeared and, to date, there is no news of their whereabouts.

A few hours of barbarity in Iguala with all the structural violence and the State that Mexico has suffered for more than a decade. It has resulted in 120 thousand deaths, mostly young and poor people. There are at least 30 000 disappeared as well as half a million internal displaced and exiles.

The killing of young people and women is a constant Mexican daily situation since the Free Trade Treaty in which the only beneficiary is the United States and the transnational corporations that strip the peoples from their natural and strategic resources. Down with the State! Death to the government! Down with Peña Nieto! Are the shouts heard in the streets of Mexico arisen in a struggle and in dozens of cities in the whole world that have wrapped with their solidarity and tenderness the families of those massacred and denounced the dismantling the power in which the government has fallen. 
The crime of Iguala recalls the massacre of students in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco in 1968 and perpetrated on July 19 of 1971, the assassinations and disappearances during a dirty war that lasted more than 20 years and those massacred in Aguas Blancas and Acteal, all crimes in which the Mexican State and the Armed Forces are involved with their paramilitary forces. Those are the Batallon Olimpia, Los Halcones, La Brigada Blanca and that now operate under the cover of organized crime that in reality constitutes the clandestine hand of a Mafia and delinquent government. The United States, main consumer of drugs is the most important vendor of weapons in the planet and imposes an internal war against the people to benefit their financial circles and exert control of the people to benefit the financial circles and neo colonial control of this sister nation.

The Network in Defense of Humanity points to Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexican president, as commander in chief of the armed forces and many responsible for the tragedy in Ayotzinapa and expresses its solidarity support for the Mexican people, mainly the honorable fathers and mothers of those massacred. Ayotzinapa synthesizes the affront committed by the empire and local oligarchy against the Mexican people but that is also a model of domination imposed by the neo liberalism that we don’t want for humanity. They took them alive and we want them back alive, without pardon or oblivion, we demand justice!

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