Cuba USA

Cuban U.N. Victory?

(Warning!!) Please get your Pepto Dismal ready before reading this article. Here is Daniel Ortega's message to fidel castro:

"On hearing of Cuba's merited victory in the United Nations, we Sandinistas celebrate with delight, and as if it were a victory of ours, of the people, that vote in favor of justice and against imperial arrogance,"

What victory? Just like the victory chavez had in the recent summit? Cuba can trade with any country in the world with the exception of the U.S.(Not really , didn't Cuba just sign a deal with North Dakota for $20 million) and answer me why are the people of Cuba on ration books over 40 years later? Victory for who? Just the regime in in the victory lap! The victims of communist revolutions and regimes are left with:

Rations books
No free election in 40 years(do not give me that crap about how you have elections)
No freedom of expression
No private property
No religious freedom
Political prisoners and executions
(Do you want me to go on!)

Yep, a complete and moral victory? Hey why is daniel ortega still around after all the atrocities that the sandinistas committed?

Read this article here.

- Argentina: Converts Setback Into Victory
by Ángel Guerra Cabrera translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity The defeat of the Front for Victory in the second round of elections is undoubtedly a blow to the authentic transforming forces of Argentina and a serious blow to the emancipating...

- The Victories Of Ayotzinapa - The Rebellion That Will Not Be Televised
By: Fernando Buen Abad Domínguezsource Rebelión/Universidad de la Filosofíatranslation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity In the very heart of the aberrant crime of Ayotzinapa against 43 student teachers perpetrated on September 26 of 2014 it blooms...

- Message From Raúl Castro To Prime Minister Of Greece
source Granma The President of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba congratulates compañero Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, on the ‘NO’ victory achieved in the nationwide referendum held July 5, 2015 Havana, July5, 2015 Esteemed...

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Nicaragua Here we go again with the Sandinistas . Why hasn't Daniel Ortega ever been prosecuted? We always hear from the left concerning Pinochet, but what about Castro, Ortega, and all the commie cronies. Ortega still lives in the mansion that he...

Cuba USA
