Cuba USA


Here we go again with the Sandinistas . Why hasn't Daniel Ortega ever been prosecuted? We always hear from the left concerning Pinochet, but what about Castro, Ortega, and all the commie cronies. Ortega still lives in the mansion that he stole from the original owner, what about all the atrocities that they comitted?
Read this interesting article concerning Jimmy Carter and Nicaragua.

- History Repeats Itself
I can not understand how a man like Ortega, who committed atrocities against mankind, has never been arrested or prosecuted for his crimes? The mansion that he lives in was stolen and nothing? Lefties commit crimes and they are first to say "let's...

- Lies, Lies And More Lies
It is often said that deception is the key to disarm a rival. Clearly, in Nicaragua, this has been the campaign motto for Daniel Ortega. It is sad to see that the people of Nicaragua have once again been robbed of their freedom. The closing of voting...

Press Release from Jose Serrano Naturally our favorite commie is so concerned about Cuba not being able to play baseball, but overlooks the "Ladies in White" not being able to travel and Dr. Biset in prison. In the spirit of baseball I would like to...

Cuban U.N. Victory? (Warning!!) Please get your Pepto Dismal ready before reading this article. Here is Daniel Ortega's message to fidel castro: "On hearing of Cuba's merited victory in the United Nations, we Sandinistas celebrate with delight,...

KGB Documents A new book is out detailing some juicy KGB documents. Castro wanted to redeploy atomic weapons in Cuba 19 years after the cuban missile crisis. For all my brethren from Nicaragua some interesting information(probably no surprise): - Carlos...

Cuba USA
