Cuba USA

KGB Documents

A new book is out detailing some juicy KGB documents. Castro wanted to redeploy atomic weapons in Cuba 19 years after the cuban missile crisis. For all my brethren from Nicaragua some interesting information(probably no surprise):
- Carlos Fonseca, founder of Nicaragua's Sandinista National Liberation Front, was ''a trusted KGB agent'' code-named GIDROLOG.
- Nicaraguan Manuel Andara y Ubeda was a KGB agent who led a group of Sandinistas tasked by Moscow in the late 1960s to scope out the U.S. border with Mexico for possible targets for KGB sabotage teams.

A friend of mine let me borrow a book titled: " Nicaragua Betrayed" which goes into detail how the KGB(Castro) were behind the Sandinistas, the atrocities that the Sandinistas committed, and basically how Jimmy Carter handed over Nicaragua to the Sandinistas.

- Elections In Nicaragua
Jimmy "peanuts" Carter is in Nicaragua as an election observer! God help Nicaragua!!!!!!!!...

- Can't Forget About Nicaragua
Elections are around the corner in Nicaragua and we have commie Daniel Ortega back in the picture. I hope and pray that this man does not get elected! Why hasn't he been locked up for all the atrocities that he committed, for theft of the mansion...

Cuban U.N. Victory? (Warning!!) Please get your Pepto Dismal ready before reading this article. Here is Daniel Ortega's message to fidel castro: "On hearing of Cuba's merited victory in the United Nations, we Sandinistas celebrate with delight,...

Response to Nicaragua in Trouble Great response to comments made by a reader: The concept of Democracy as we know it in the United States has not materialized in Nicaragua and in most countries of Latin America. One needs to have a personal insight into...

Peanuts! Jimmy Carter questioning the election results of 2000 years later. Now he has no problems with the elections in Venezuela? He never had a problem with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and he had no problem wearing a guayabera and hamming it up...

Cuba USA
