Cuba USA


Jimmy Carter questioning the election results of 2000 years later. Now he has no problems with the elections in Venezuela? He never had a problem with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and he had no problem wearing a guayabera and hamming it up with Uncle Fidel!

- Jimmy Carter Has Gone Nuts!
Jimmy "Peanuts" Carter is aw shucking with this : " I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world," Really? No corruption what so ever in Venezuela? What is "Peanuts" going to say if Henrique Capriles comes out...

- Elections In Nicaragua
Jimmy "peanuts" Carter is in Nicaragua as an election observer! God help Nicaragua!!!!!!!!...

Elections Congressional elections are scheduled for tomorrow for Venezuela. Here is a reminder on how extensive Jimmy Carter reviewed the claims of fraud for the election. Jimmy "one day and out" intensive investigation can be seen through his report...

Nicaragua Here we go again with the Sandinistas . Why hasn't Daniel Ortega ever been prosecuted? We always hear from the left concerning Pinochet, but what about Castro, Ortega, and all the commie cronies. Ortega still lives in the mansion that he...

KGB Documents A new book is out detailing some juicy KGB documents. Castro wanted to redeploy atomic weapons in Cuba 19 years after the cuban missile crisis. For all my brethren from Nicaragua some interesting information(probably no surprise): - Carlos...

Cuba USA
