Lies, Lies and more Lies
Cuba USA

Lies, Lies and more Lies

It is often said that deception is the key to disarm a rival. Clearly, in Nicaragua, this has been the campaign motto for Daniel Ortega. It is sad to see that the people of Nicaragua have once again been robbed of their freedom. The closing of voting polls almost 1 hour earlier than previously agreed in addition to the "pacto" which allows Ortega's party to return to power with a substantially smaller margin of votes, are all signs that the communist regime is at it again.

Perhaps the saddest part of the apparent victory of Daniel Ortega relates to the meaning that his victory has to the future of this beautiful yet impoverished nation. Those of us that know Ortega and his political maneuvers realize that his victory today will result in the permanency of a presidency turned dictatorship for years to come. With the possession of SAM missiles and the backing of Chavez, it is unlikely that Ortega has found "new ways" in the manner he will govern Nicaragua. This is yet another sad day for the history of the Nicaraguan people.

From: ADC

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Cuba USA
