Here we go again!
Cuba USA

Here we go again!

Thug Daniel Ortega wants to change the Constitution so he can rule forever just like the dictator in Cuba, just like the dictator in Venezuela, and just like Manuel "El mariachi" Zelaya tried to get away with!

Can anyone tell me.. how is it that Daniel Ortega is not in prison?

- "all Commie Cuba Baseball Team"
Today will be the the MLB All Star game and as a baseball fan I am looking foward to watching the game. In the spirit of baseball I would like to nominate the "All Commie Cuba Baseball Team" Please send in your nominations and I will post them. Here are...

- Zelaya's Plane Can't Land In Honduras
Manuel " El mariachi" Zelaya's plane tried to land in Honduras in the Venezuelan plane provided by mini-me chavez, but the Honduran soldiers blocked the runway and prevented the plane from landing! Honduras' interim President Roberto Micheletti...

- Can't Believe This!
Lefty Daniel Ortega is in the lead and declaring himself the victor. Reports are that polls closed 30 minutes early in certain areas. Don't worry "peanuts" Carter is there and will stamp everything as legitimate....

Cuban U.N. Victory? (Warning!!) Please get your Pepto Dismal ready before reading this article. Here is Daniel Ortega's message to fidel castro: "On hearing of Cuba's merited victory in the United Nations, we Sandinistas celebrate with delight,...

Nicaragua Here we go again with the Sandinistas . Why hasn't Daniel Ortega ever been prosecuted? We always hear from the left concerning Pinochet, but what about Castro, Ortega, and all the commie cronies. Ortega still lives in the mansion that he...

Cuba USA
