Argentina: converts setback into victory
Cuba USA

Argentina: converts setback into victory

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The defeat of the Front for Victory in the second round of elections is undoubtedly a blow to the authentic transforming forces of Argentina and a serious blow to the emancipating process begun in 1989 in Latin America and the Caribbean with the election of Hugo Chávez to the presidency of Venezuela.I do not intend in this article and without having shared opinions with the popular sectors of La Plata to make a balance of errors and correct answers that only corresponds to them for it.

I will try humbly to make some considerations that perhaps serve to stimulate a debate in the breast of the left wing of Argentina, Latin Caribbean (ALC) and the post neo liberal governments of our America on the elections; of the lessons we can derive from this event.

Also, recognizing that we are in the presence of a defeat nationally we cannot ignore the repercussions it will have continentally given the enormous geo political weigh of that southern nation and the importance of an Alliance for twelve years with the revolutionary and popular forces in our geographical area.

A neo liberal government such as the one to be installed on December 10 will do exactly the opposite; not only in Argentina in which the Front for Victory and as many allies can rely on the popular camp that have a decisive role to defend the great social, cultural, scientific, legal achievements against the crimes of a dictatorship achieved in the past decade and reconquer the Government for the emancipating process to advance farther then it had reached.

Also in his policy towards ALC the immanent occupant of the Casa Rosada charges against Bolivarian Venezuela and requests its exclusion from the OAS and MERCOSUR that he says is in defense of democracia.

What does a millionaire enriched like his family under the shelter of the military dictatorship in Argentina know the meaning of the word democracy and who also has legal debts with justice?

He will be unable to consummate his brag against Venezuela since he will not be allowed by the other governments and does not fit to the norms of MERCOSUR and not even the OAS. But for the first time in the last decade and with the exception to his close ties and unpresentable ally, Álvaro Uribe, a head of State launches a virulent attack against another Government in the region. This stimulates the chronic coup syndrome of the right wing forces of ALC, euphoric and disheveled triumph achieved against the Argentine people. I speak people deliberately since half the voters chose Macri and the seven million who did not vote would e serious affected by a return to neo liberalism.

A defeat as a victory is inherent to a social and revolutionary struggle. More still, there are no revolutions without a process of irreversible social change. Caring the subjective factor is essential to sustain it healthy and victorious in the battle of ideas.

It has been supposed that just supplying welfare to the population we automatically deserve their support and, therefore, we have the vote assured.

We have given extraordinary importance to the legacy of Fidel and Che from whom we learned that the best welfare of a people is what circumstances allow; we must forge without pause a political conscience. This is the great lesson of Cuba. If attacked and blockaded with damages caused to material life if it had not given priority to create a political culture and conscience, its people would not have able to resist for such a long time. 

Argentina is a case for study as how the oligopoly media alienates the minds. But the popular forces of ALC have been unable to design a strategy of communication that counters this outrage.

Kirchnerism is a majority in the Senate and the first minority of deputies. It has admirable youths. Half the country voted for it. Can there be an intelligent opposition that confers this setback into a greater victory. They must be analyzed in fraternity where the errors and maintain united and conquest of the popular sector of those who do not arrive.

It is urgent for the popular forces of the region to rethink the past decade and place again a defense against imperialism and the right wing like we did in Mar del Plata. Achieve the electoral victory in the parliamentary elections in Venezuela on December 6.

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