The Argentine crossroads
Cuba USA

The Argentine crossroads

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

On November 22 the second round of presidential elections in Argentina will take place confronting continuity or dealing a strong blow to the Bolivarian, San Martin, Marti, Chavist and Fidelista project of integration of Latin America and the Caribbean. That of Hugo Chávez, Néstor Kirchner and Lula da Silva, as bastions of strong battles of the peoples of our America that defeated, 10 years ago, in Mar del Plata the project of re colonization driven by Bush and his lap dogs, pompously promoting the Area of Free Trade of the Americas (ALCA).
The very same that has placed Latin America and the Caribbean on the political map of the world llke a first class player and boosted – with China, Russia, Iran and the BRICS – a rapid transit in the international geopolitical scenario from a uni polarity to multi polarity. With their own policies through new unprecedented structures without the presence of the United States such as CELAC, UNASUR, PETROCARIBE, and renovated MERCOSUR and a CARICOM that, in this context, has highly raised appreciably its regional and international weight.

If the neo liberal Mauricio Macri manages to get a foothold over Daniel Scioli of the Kirchnerist Front for Victory (FPV) these enormous advances in unity, sovereignty and independence in our region confronts a serious danger. Macri of the same fake fur of the Venezuelan Henrique Capriles and Colombian Álvaro Uribe would be a spearhead against all those and on the political weight of Argentina.

One can imagine how destructive and regressive would be a Macri victory for Argentina, for Our America, simply remembering the singular and extraordinary position of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner in the last 12 years of the process of transformation and emancipation of both; in the battle to defend democracy and Latin American and Caribbean autonomy against the coup attempts in Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela. The battle to try to prevent the coups against presidents Manuel Zelaya in Honduras and Fernando Lugo in Paraguay. 

In the first round of elections Scioli defeated Mauricio Macri (the candidate of the demagogic and perverse alliance named Cambiemos [supported by Washington and the submissive and anti patriotic right wing of Argentina] and reactionary and exclusive neo liberalism]) by a difference of three points. Its origins date back to British domination of the South in the 19th century and part of the 20th in which control was changed to Yankee imperialism.

Scioli is not like Néstor and Cristina, a party leader in the historical sense that is not repeated. He lacks the charisma, the sympathy, culture and push they had. He derives from the conservative wing of Peronism, born in a family that is wealthy and he himself a businessman. However he has not been subjected to a judicial process nor linked to corruption as Macri has and his successful loyalty to the project of social justice, defense of national sovereignty and Latin American spirit forged by the Kitcheners. 

The first he did when elected a candidate was visit Cuba and hold long talks with President Raúl Castro. His running mate to the vice presidency, Carlos Zannini is of more humble origin. He was militant of the Marxist party with Maoist inspiration (he was a political prisoner during the four year military dictatorship and occupied the strategic post of legal and technical secretary of the presidency in the three Kirchnerist governments.

Macri is also a man lacking modesty, counseled by his Ecuadorian advisor, had no shame in his road towards the first round by respecting the main political and social conquests of the Kirchner party as did in his time Henrique Capriles on the Chavist social programs. 

He and his family made wealth in the shadow of the Videla dictatorship and that is his reason to oppose justice – as the Kitcheners did – against the torturers and assassins of that period. Kirchnerism has benefitted all; placed the country on its feet after the devastation of the crisis of 2001. He restored the middle class, redistributed wealth to reach the majority of the population. With Macri all would be lost and Argentina will then fall to debts and devaluations that so much suffering has caused in the past.

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