A change in Argentina according to Washington
Cuba USA

A change in Argentina according to Washington

by Juan Manuel Karg
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The visit of Obama could have a special spice for Argentina: it would be the foundational stone to try to capture a key actor in the regional economy for the TPP. The US knows it will not be simple since trade agreements of the country should pass by Mercosur. However it will try to definitively break the solid unity that until 2015 had
its core in the Buenos Aires-Brasilia-Caracas axis (attempting to form a new triangle: Buenos Aires-Asuncion-Montevideo).The rapid initial agenda of Mauricio Macri that intended dozens of DNU to leave without effect important policies of Kirchnerism – such as the law of media – also has its correlation in the area of international relations. The return of an Argentine president to the World Economic Forum of Davis demonstrates it, considering the three
direct predecessors in this sphere (Menem, De la Rúa and Duhalde) were not precisely presidents who had made a difference regarding Washington and the IMF as did the Kirchners. Rather the followed to the T the demands of multi lateral institutions of credit to indebt the country in a defective circle that unfortunately Argentina will

Is it wrong to go to Davos per se? No, Dilma and Lula have done it, for example, considering the weight of the Brazilian economy in the world of today. But both tired of promoting there the urgency of a reform of the international financial system. And, before travelling to the World Social Program of Porto Alegre, demonstrated their attachment to other instances of international participation. In other words they did not go to Davos to abide but to try to influence within the movement of emergent countries that later formed the Brics, demonstrating an alternative to these instances themselves. That is why for Macri it is inconceivable, through his formation but, above all, ideological orientation and his framework of alliances willing to accept foreign conditions.

Another item in this direction: through the confirmation of a trip to Switzerland, nothing has been said (neither by the Argentina Foreign Affairs ministry) in relation to the next summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) scheduled for January 27 in Quito, Ecuador. This is related to an evident fact that for any person who follows the regional affairs: neither Unasur nor Celac have been institutions mentioned not even publicly once by the president.
They are not part of his considerations. In this Macri differs from other conservative leaders in the region that Celac can give sense to unity in diversity”: Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Enrique Peña Nieto (Mexico), Ollanta Humala (Peru), and even in his moment Sebastián Piñera (Chile) participated in several meetings of Celac. Piñera even headed the organization and even had to hand it over pro tempore to Raúl Castro. Much beyond the “pos neo liberal block” has had a well defined conduction in this integrationist process. Meanwhile Santos himself played a prominent role within Unasur through its Foreign Ministry, precedent that Macri did not seem to take into consideration.

In relation to these changes in Argentine foreign policy, recently is was revealed that Obama intends to visit Buenos Aires after his trip to Peru next November informed The New York Times and should be carefully analyzed. What is the purpose of this trip to Lima by the outgoing US president? His participation in the Forum of Asia Pacific Economic cooperation under the recently signed TPP (Transpacific Agreement of Economic Cooperation) Behind the TPP is a concrete objective, planned during the presidency of George W. Bush to increase US influence in the Asian region at the cost of non participation of China – the second economy of the world – in this kind of commercial agreements. What is the US searching for? That China not defined the
rules of international trade. What does the TPP signify? What obligations are assumed by the States and the corporation rights as demonstrated by the lobby of the pharmaceutical industry against elaboration of generic medicines?

Then is it a coincidence that Obama plans to visit Argentina since before – disassociating from these agreements – he will travel to Cuba (thawing out) and Columbia (peace) reports the NYT? The answer is no. Macri has shown he is favorable to relax Mercosur in an attempt of converging in the Pacific Alliance (that he did mention, always with praise in differences with Unasur and Celac). Therefore, the visit of Obama could have special connotations for Argentina; it would be a founding block to attempt to attract a key actor in the regional economy to the TPP. The US knows it will not be simple due to all the trade agreements of the country pass through Mercosur. However, he will try to definitively break the solid unity that until 2015 had itsaxis of Buenos Aires-Brasilia-Caracas (attempting to form a new axis: Buenos Aires-Asuncion-Montevideo).

This last point is related to the rapid change in relation to the Brics: Argentina has gone from asking integration to the block – as Cristina Fernández as did and Lula before her – to revise the agreements signed with China for two important dams in the south of the country.

Paradoxically ten years after saying NO to Bush in the 4th Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata – in which Néstor Kirchner hosted the event – Argentine foreign policy suffers a rapid disorder that could lead her also to negotiate participation in a new free trade treaty with the hegemonic first economy of the world. As can be seen a “change” according to Washington.

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