“The silencing of Telesur in Argentina is an affront to regional freedom of speech” : Network in Defense of Humanity
Cuba USA

“The silencing of Telesur in Argentina is an affront to regional freedom of speech” : Network in Defense of Humanity

Just 72 hours before Barack Obama leaves the country the new Argentine government confirmed it would no longer participate in the Telesur channel; also dropping the channel signal in TDA (Open Digital Television). In fact, just three weeks before Cablevision removed the basic grill for the channel, constitutes a mistaken act of silencing that is related to a specific event. TeleSur was one of the few international communications media that, during the first 100 days of the Macri government, unleashed massive layoffs – 110 thousand both in the state and private sector –; warned of growing inflation of basic products after a 60% devaluation of national currency and editorialized the new Argentine foreign policy lining up with the interests of Washington, damaging regional unity and integration promoted by the governments of Néstor and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
Consequently for the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity it is very troublesome to remove from the Argentine screen a channel that was one of the few the transmit live and direct, where actions took place of the coups in Honduras (2009) and Paraguay (2012) and informed of the intents to overthrow the governments of Bolivia (2008), Ecuador (2010), Venezuela (2014) and Brazil (2016). It is strange to observe Macri and Lombardi brag of “pluralism” considering that while the Argentine State silences TeleSur it continues favoring
the Clarin Group, with 9% of participation. It is also significant to mention that these advances are against other communications media that promote a multi polar view of the world such as RT in Spanish and Sputnik in Russia, CCTV and Xinhua (China), TV Brazil (Brazil), and backing other conservative US channels like CNN and Fox News in Latin America.

It is weird that those who called Hugo Chávez a “dictator” for not renewing the license of RCTV – a channel that explicitly supported the coup d’etat in April of 2002 in Venezuela – now applaud the attacks against our American channel that is committed to the battles of the peoples in the continent. The double standard is evident and must be stated explicitly.

For all these reasons the REDH is against the silencing of TeleSur in Argentina and charges that it is a serious affront to regional freedom of speech and the possibility for the Argentine people to be informed through other channels to confront the “national Macri channel”.

Executive Secretariat of the Network in Defense of Humanity REDH

Carmen Bohórquez (General Coordinator of de la REDH)
Omar González (REDH Cuba)
Ariana López (REDH Cuba)
Nayar López Castellanos (REDH México)
Horacio López (REDH Argentina)
Luciano Vasapollo (REDH Italia)
Marilia Guimaraes (REDH Brasil)
Hugo Moldiz (REDH Bolivia)
Katu Arkonada (REDH País Vasco)
Ángel Guerra (REDH Cuba/México)
Roger Landa (REDH (REDH Venezuela)
Juan Manuel Karg (REDH Argentina)

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Cuba USA
