“Neo liberalism intends to make Argentina a spearhead for the conservative restoration*
Cuba USA

“Neo liberalism intends to make Argentina a spearhead for the conservative restoration*

The Network in Defense of Humanity ( REDH ) has called to increase efforts in favor of the candidates of the Front for Victory, of Daniel Scioli and Carlos Zannini to win in November 22, safe guard the popular conquests of the last twelve years and halt the “conservative restoration” intended. Ten years after the No for the FTAA Argentina cannot (nor should not) go back. 

Argentina cannot (nor should not) go back. 

Argentina is going through a crucial moment. On November 22 two antagonic models will be confronted in the second presidential round; the Front for Victory and the PRO+UCR alliance in political, social and economic terms. It is not another national election but a battle that can have continental repercussions if the right wing accedes to the Casa Rosada provoking a change in the actual correlation of regional forces. 

From the Network in Defense of Humanity we understand that it is a profound dispute in which we must intervene with clarity. The businessman Mauricio Macri, continental ally of Álvaro Uribe (Colombia), Henrique Capriles (Venezuela), Aécio Neves (Brazil), Guillermo Lasso (Ecuador), and Samuel Doria Medina (Bolivia), represents the interests of concentrated capital in an attempt to reverse the continental cycle opened in 1998 after the triumph of Hugo Chávez. Behind the change in the speech of Macri and his support of measures such as, for example, the Universal Assignation for Child Support is the new strategy of the Latin American right wing: not to confront a priori social policies implemented by post neo liberal governments that benefit the popular majority in our region. Taking root in this strategy o the right wing to force a second round that seem improbable weeks ago: It is the underhanded work that also counts on the hegemonic mass media the battering ram of the conservative option. 

A possible triumph of Macrism in Argentina represents a new boost for the forces of the continental right wing that intend to conquer Venezuela on December 6, prevent the candidacy of Evo Morales through a referendum that will take place in February in Bolivia and precipitate the “legal” overthrow of Dilma in Brazil. For this reason the REDH has called to increase efforts in favor of the candidates of the Front for Victory, of Daniel Scioli and Carlos Zannini to win in November 22, safe guard the popular conquests of the last twelve years and halt the “conservative restoration” intended. Ten years after the No for the FTAA Argentina cannot (nor should not) go back.

Evo Morales Ayma (Miembro fundador REDH. Presidente Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia);Guillaume Long (Ministro de Cultura de Ecuador); Juan Ramón Quintana (Ministro de la Presidencia. Bolivia); Mel Zelaya (Ex Presidente de Honduras); Pablo González Casanova (Sociólogo mexicano); Piedad Córdoba (Defensora de DDHH. Colombia); Atilio Borón (Director PLED -CCC); István Mészáros (Filósofo húngaro); Horacio González (Director Biblioteca Nacional. Argentina); Xiomara Castro (Dirigente Partido Libre. Honduras); Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni (Juez de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos); Stella Calloni (Periodista); Domenico Losurdo (Filósofo italiano); Frei Betto (Teólogo brasileño); Anita Prestes (Historiadora. Brasil); Theotonio Dos Santos (Sociólogo); Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann (Presidente de la Asamblea General de la ONU 2008- 2009); Aurelio Alonso (Casa de las Américas. Cuba); Ramsey Clark (Ex Fiscal General. EEUU);Ismael Clark Arxer (Academia de Ciencias, Cuba); Jorge Veraza (UNAM, México); Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez (Filósofo mexicano); Hugo Moldiz (REDH, Bolivia); Jean Ortiz (Profesor de Universidad Pau. Francia); Marco Gandásegui (Sociólogo. Panamá); Elmar Altvater (Economista y sociólogo. Alemania); Carmen Bohórquez (Coordinadora General de la REDH); Omar González (REDH Cuba); Nils Castro (REDH Panamá); Isabel Monal (REDH Cuba); Horacio López (REDH Argentina); Luciano Vasapollo (Universidad La Sapienza. Italia); Katiuska Blanco (Periodista y Escritora. Cuba; Marilia Guimaraes (REDH Brasil); Juan Carlos Junio (Director CCC); Katu Arkonada (REDH País Vasco); Ángel Guerra (REDH Cuba/México); Ariana López (REDH Cuba); Nayar López Castellanos (REDH México); Roger Landa (REDH Venezuela); Juan Manuel Karg (REDH Argentina); Pedro Calzadilla (Historiador y profesor universitario. Venezuela); Hildebrando Pérez Grande (Poeta peruano); Gloria La Riva (Política EEUU); Eva Björklund (Consejo Sueco por la Paz. Suecia); Yamandú Acosta (Filósofo, investigador, escritor y profesor universitario uruguayo); Gennaro Carotenuto (REDH Italia); Luciano Concheiro Bórquez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. México); Francisco López Segrera (Cuba); Horacio Cerutti - Guldberg (Profesor de Filosofía, UNAM. México); Michel Collon (Escritor y periodista. REDH Bélgica); Alex Anfruns (Periodista. REDH Bélgica); Jesús Guanche Perez (Lic. en Historia del Arte y Dr. en Ciencias Históricas. Cuba); Aldo Luis Caballero (Secretario de Políticas Universitarias. Argentina); Eric Landrón (Poeta Puerto Rico); Martín Almada (Premio Nobel Alternativo. Paraguay); José Luis Rodríguez (CIEM. Cuba); Osvaldo León (ALAI. Ecuador); Gloria Inés Ramirez Rios (Ex Senadora, Dirigente Política, Colombia)

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Cuba USA
