Argentina, Venezuela and class struggle
Cuba USA

Argentina, Venezuela and class struggle

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Those who predicted that the so called progressive cycle in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have lost sight that it is politically, an inevitable class struggle; with its ups and downs and refluxes, marches and counter marches.
While capitalism globalizes; the class struggle is more important.
This is the irreversible systemic crisis of capitalism and
the growing crises of hegemony of the United States.
One boosts capitalism to extract growing profits ignoring extremely cruel, inhuman and ecocidal to achieve it (rampant global warming is an example of this ecocide); the other impulses United States imperialism to employ funds of its enormous resources to eliminate, by example, the rebellion against its hateful tyranny, primarily in the Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Regardless of the natural differences between countries and political processes, both in the defeat of Kirchnerism as in Chavism, the elections of last November 22 and December 6 are inscribed in the
context of a fierce national and international class struggle. This is expressed in the dispute between the peoples of the world and capital, be it oligarchic or imperialist, for political power (that includes aware and unwitting collectivism), national independence, natural resources and geopolitical control. 

Evident proof is the blockade of the United States that still persists in a confrontation that emphasizes the asymmetries between contenders.
The same occurs in which every Latin-Caribbean country intends to free itself from imperial domination, even if lukewarm. A good example is the coup of the CIA orchestrated against the government of Guatemalan
president Jacobo Arbenz (1954).

But from then to the present, imperialism has substantially modified the mechanisms of coup d’états. Be it called a soft coup, revolution of colors, war of the fourth generation, what remains true is that Washington has perfected sophisticated levels of objectives for a change of regime against all governments that do not submit.

Paradoxically, as shown in Argentina and Venezuela, the elections under enormous media hegemony, financed and militarily imperialist, becomes one of the main weapons of a soft coup.

Of course, revolutionaries commit errors while forces battle to put an end to neo liberalism and move policies to recover national independence and strengthen social justice. They inherit a State and a society chock full of blights such as conservatism, ignorance, corruption and clientism that often envelopes them.

The projects of alternative power begun with the Paris Commune (1871) are at a great historical disadvantage against the long experience of power by the dominant classes.

Nevertheless, the errors and insufficiencies of Chavism and Kirchnerism are less important than their positive actions and achievements. Therefore the electoral defeat was due primarily to the economic and financial reasons and communicational and diplomatic war unleashed by the United States and the right wing against a change of era in our America.

However, the rise of right wing forces may be ephemeral and unstable judging by the dictatorial and anti popular character of the decrees issued by Macri and his servile adherence to Wall Street in less than a month of mandate. Meanwhile his partners of the Venezuelan counterrevolution since December 6 and the installation of a new National Assembly has demonstrated the desperate desire to consummate
an unconstitutional parliamentary coup against President Maduro and eliminate as quickly as possible the conquests of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Chavism is a revolutionary political subject that, if it maintains unity, learns form it errors, attracts unhappy sympathizers and mobilizes the masses to neutralize the millionaires, accomplices of past and present coups and implement neo liberalism by blood and fire that swarm around the parliamentary seats of the counterrevolution.

Kirchnerism has not been able to shake the defeat it did not expect nor the burden of right wing Peronism but has enormous reserves of young people who organize and combat with parliamentary force. The
working class and people call them to a battle many await, and enter into a state of rebellion against the return of neo liberalism.

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