Progressive and Opposition governments in Latinamerica
Cuba USA

Progressive and Opposition governments in Latinamerica

by Juan J. Paz y Miño C.
source El Telégrafo
translation Cuba – Network in Defense of Humanity

In the years that have passed it has been demonstrated that progressive and new left governments in Latin America have three basic “enemies”: the high ranking business men and moneyed classes of the population, the bourgeois) not in the least willing to see a social changes that imply affecting their interests, power and class position a series of private communication media today openly identified with the opposition and which they battle against ever day through a systematic ideological and cultural battle with their editorials, analyses, information and misinformation; and imperialism that represents transnational capital and the hegemonic powers that never have admitted economic “models” of these governments and even worse their nationalist , sovereign and defense positions of national dignity.
That trilogy of forces is preparing to take direct control of the State through politicians and parties capable of representing it and win through elections and, undoubtedly, threaten to end the historical cycle of the progressive governments. The conservative or right wing restoration in their hands makes them feel victorious with the election of Mauricio Macri in Argentina and now expects a similar success in Venezuela and is confident it will finish off the Citizen Revolution in the elections of 2017.

Also there is another opposition force that, although less powerful than the three mentioned has its own political logistics. In Ecuador they are grouped in the “Plurinational Unity of the Left” that in the national elections of February 2013 obtained 3% of the votes. It is a convergence of parties and politicians of the traditional left wing (undeniably from the “particracy”), leaders and indigenous sectors and workers as well as other minority social movements. The left identified with these sectors is anti capitalist, critical, independent, revolutionary and even Marxists.

However, under present conditions in Latin America when election processes have been identified as sources of sovereignty and democracy, these sectors have not been capable of generating an alternative power to legitimize and have a broad and definitive citizen support. In these circumstances the rely in their traditional “battle” with activism, agitation, mobilization and taking to the streets that offers a promising political future because they acquire media notoriety and look authentically “popular” and “antiCorreist” radicalism.

But after the election triumph of Macri in Argentina, in Latin America the question of the role and responsibility of this force of left wing opposition acquired immediate dimension for the reconstitutions of rights and interruption of the cycle of progressive governments and a new left. Because in face of their incapacity to offer alternatives, the restoration right wing, as has occurred in Ecuador, have taken advantage of their arguments, positions and even mobilizations that they applaud and promote.

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