Poets and Writers for Venezuela: Raise your voices !!
Cuba USA

Poets and Writers for Venezuela: Raise your voices !!

A word for Venezuela

We, the poets of the world, faithful to the power of the word, believing that it is also the power of peace and builder of hope, raise our joint voices for Venezuela, which has been declared a "threat" to the national
security of the USA by executive decree of President Barack Obama on March 9th.

Against that accusing, unfair, malicious, and itself threatening word, we oppose a word for Venezuela - knowing that this sister republic has been, in the last fifteen years, the factor of an irrefutable internal democratic practice, an effective international solidarity, and the driver of a balance of power in the continent and the world - and knowing that Venezuela cannot be an enemy or a threat to the American nation, which it
has always held in high esteem and respect as the historical heir of Abraham Lincoln, Walt Whitman and Martin Luther King.
In the evidence that the only threat a country like Venezuela can pose in the eyes of a government that has shown itself capable of destroying peoples and nations, is a moral threat - the threat that a southern country
can be dignified, free and independent - the threat that a southern country will not let itself be forced by the world's foremost power - the threat of a southern country that strives to comply with constitutional principles,
human rights and peaceful coexistence, and is guided infallibly by its own sovereign laws - the threat that a southern country, inspired by its heroic history, is ready to be master of its own destiny - the threat of being an insurgent example for the oppressed in Latin America and elsewhere.

We, the poets of the world, raise our voices in favour of the respect of Venezuela's political, territorial, social, economic and human integrity, which has been made a target to any possible attack through President
Obama's disproportionate, unbelievable and alarming words.

To that word which qualifies Venezuela as a "threat", and together with the Venezuelan people who today rise to their feet before the imperial drumming, we oppose the words "peace", "respect", "coexistence" and
"humanity" and request the government of the USA to repeal the executive order of March 9 in the interests of world balance.

Venezuela is not a threat to the USA, but a hope for the world's humiliated peoples.

Poets and writers: Gustavo Pereira (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela), William Osuna (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela), Freddy Ñañez (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela), Gabriel Impaglione (Argentina), Fernando Rendón (Colombia), Alex Pausides (Cuba), Aitana Alberti (Argentina/ España/Cuba), Gabriel Jaime Franco (Colombia), Jairo Guzmán (Colombia), Álvaro Marín (Colombia), Zabier Hernández (Colombia), Sam Hamill (United States), Janak Sapkota (Nepal), Gabriel Rosenstock (Éire, Ireland), Tobias Burghardt
(Germany), Jonna Burghardt (Germany), Mohammed Bennis (Morocco), Ataol Behramoglu (Turkey), Renato Sandoval (Peru), Hannan Awaad (Palestine), Giovanna Mulas (Italia), Vicente Feliú Miranda (Cuba), Lawrence Ferlinghetti, (United States) José María Pallaoro, (Argentina), Carlos Carbone (Argentina), José Emilio Tallarico (Argentina), Virginia Murru (Italia), Martín "Poni" Micharvegas (Argentina-Spain), Víctor Cuello (Argentina), Eduardo R. Aibar (Argentina), Norman Petrich (Argentina),
Juano Villafañe (Argentina), Saúl Ibargoyen (Uruguay-Mexico), Jésica Galeano Jarcousky (Argentina), Miguel Sotomayor (Cuba), Manuel Maestro (Uruguay), Rubén Derlis (Argentina), Graciela Zanini (Argentina), Norma Segades-Manias (Argentina), Galel Cárdenas (Honduras), Blanca Baraciarte
(Uruguay), Edgar Ramírez Mella (Puerto Rico), Nechi Dorado (Argentina), Leonardo Martínez (Argentina), Galo Vega (Ecuador), Jorge Boccanera (Argentina), Rubén Amaya (Argentina), Julio Rudman (Argentina), Dora Giannoni (Argentina), Carlos Arboleda (Uruguay), María Teresa Dri (Argentina), Víctor Ramos (Honduras), Esteban Nicotra (Argentina), Roberto Romeo Di Vita (Argentina), Etnairis Ribera (Puerto Rico), Stella Calloni (Argentina), Dora Gianoni (Argentina), Teuco Castilla (Argentina), Giovanni Enne (Italia), Jorge Etcheverry Arcaya (Chile), Carlos Fajardo Fajardo (Colombia), Marília Gonçalves (Portugal), Nicolás del Hierro (Spain), Gerardo Rivera (El Salvador), Roberto Romeo Di Vita, (Argentina), Yldefonso
Finol Ocampo (Venezuela), Ferruccio Brugnaro (Italia), Luisa A. Vicioso (Dominican Republic), Sergio Argüello (Guatemala), Wenceslao Serra Deliz (Puerto Rico), José Manuel Maldonado Beltrán (Puerto Rico-Spain), Vanessa  Droz (Puerto Rico), María de los Ángeles Polo (Cuba), Marcos Reyes Dávila (Puerto Rico), Enrique Moneli (Argentina), Guillermo Rodríguez Rivera (Cuba), Emilio Comas Paret (Cuba), Adys M. Cupull Reyes (Cuba), Froilán González Garcia (Cuba), Teresa Leonardi (Argentina), Francisco Garzaro
(Guatemala), Alberto Alfredo Torres (Argentina), Vernal Freitas (Argentina), Rubén Sacchi (Argentina), Diego Mare (Argentina), Rosina Valcárcel (Perú ), Jorge Ariel Madrazo (Argentina), Rolando Revagliatti
(Argentina), Horacio Liñán (Argentina), Marta Braier (Argentina), Susana Szwarc (Argentina), Erkut Tokman (Turkey), Graciela Perosio (Argentina), Marco Cinque (Italia), Jorge Quintanar (México), Paulina Vinderman (Argentina), Teresinka Pereira (Brazil-United States), Juanita Conejero (Cuba), José Enrique Paredero (Argentina), Luis Eduardo Aguilera (Chile), Dámaso Manuel Martínez (Argentina), Alfredo Luna (Argentina), Grand Masese (Kenya), Bob Holman (United States), Ayo Ayomaale (Ghana), Kamran Mir Hazar (Afganisthan), Hugo Francisco Rivella (Argentina), Rati Saxena (India), Yuri Zambrano (México), Esteban Nicotra (Argentina), Ana María Intili (Peru), Gonzalo Vaca Narvaja (Argentina), Hugo Muleiro (Argentina), Oscar Saavedra Villarroel (Chile), Zohra Hamidi (Afganisthan), Juan Manuel Rodríguez Tobal (Spain), Julio Salgado (Argentina), Feliciano Atoche Gutiérrez (Peru), Germán Atoche (Peru), Al Hunter (Anishinaabe Nation, Canada), Ricardo Luis Plaul (Argentina), Lincoln Bergman (United States), Marco Pogakar (Croatia), Jean-Claude Awoono (Cameroon), Lisa Makarchuk (Canada), Adnan Ozer (Turkey), Marne Kilastes (Philippines), Angelina Llongueras (United States), Antonieta Villamil (Colombia-USA), Mark Lipman (USA), Maria Elena Mesa (Canada/Colombia), Carlos Angulo Rivas (Canadá), Igor Costanzo (Italy), Rira Abbasi (Iran), Lucy Cristina Chau (Panama), José Manuel Díaz (Spain), Fabiano Alborghetti (Switzerland), Sergio Iagulli (Italy), Raffaella Marzano (Italy), Fadil Oktay (Turkey), Jack Hirschman (United States), Aggie Falk (Sweden), Zakaria Mohammed (Palestine), Lello Vocce (Italy), Shailja Patel (Kenya), Nicole Cage Florentiny (Martinica), Osvaldo Sauma (Costa Rica), Jorge Etcheverri (Canada/Chile), Gloria Chvatal (Colombia), Víctor López Rache (Colombia), James Cockcroft (Estados
Unidos), Fahredin Shehu (Kosovo), Sylvia Goldfarb (Canada), Nina Serrano (United States), Nahid Kabiri (Iran), Mahnaz Badihian (United States/Iran), Gabeba Baderoon (South Africa), Margaret Saine (United States), Ali Al-Shalah (Iraq), Aziz Mahdi (India), Aminur Rahman (Bangladesh), Gunnar Svensson (Sweden),

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Cuba USA
