Argentina: This is Not a 'Default'
Cuba USA

Argentina: This is Not a 'Default'

Source: Telesur

Judge Griesa has called for a new audience, however the Argentinian government will not attend.

Argentine had met the deadline to reach an agreement with the so called vulture fund' doesn't mean this is a "defeault" or a "technical default", as some have portraied, Argentine Finance Minister Axel Kiciloff said on Thursday during a press conference.

“It's very clear that Argentina would be in default if it had not fulfilled any of the clauses stated in the contracts,” he clarified, assuring that this has not been the case.

As Kiciloff explained, it's the vulture funds, which make up only one percent of the creditors, who have rejected the Argentinian payment.
“It's ridiculous that they are trying to make us enter payment cessations...we have enough in our funds in our reserves” he stated.

President Cristina Kirchner referred to the case on Thursday, during a national broadcast message to the nation, saying that Argentina is being attacked by “financial missiles”.

“I didn't bring Argentina in-debt and neither did you. Those that in-debted Argentina are those that continue saying that we have to sign whatever agreement” she stated, referring to the international financial sector which is pushing Argentina to pay a bigger amount of money to vulture funds than to other creditors.

U.S. Judge Thomas Griesa called today the vulture funds and the Argentinian government to an audience, to rule over the case. The Argentinians have announced that they will not attend.

“The world needs a more just system” she said. The international financial rating agency Moodys has said today that it's qualifying Argentina as “in technical default”.

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