Cuba USA


It shouldn’t surprise that U.S. courts support unscrupulous creditors that have been called “vulture funds”. There are many examples in history that have revealed that the U.S. justice has a special affinity for the predatory, aggressive species, skillful to snatch and tear.

In this case there has been no reserve in favoring the large financial speculators that, taking advantage of the difficulties of the situation in Argentina, bought part of the debt at outlandish prices to later make the country pay through legal action the total sum owed plus interests for the years passed. It does not matter that these
multimillionaire funds are administered from tax havens or that the governments that contracted those debts were the genocide dictatorships that bled its people or that the loans wrongly documented ended up in personal bank accounts.

As far back as 1971 when the total debt of the Third World was approximately 335 billion dollars, Fidel warned that the debt should be cancelled; since it was no longer a real possibility for underdeveloped nations to pay this debt. Since then, he repeated this subject and based his ideas on mathematic, economic, moral, legal and political reasons.
Today U.S. courts are again above International and national Laws, as in a simple competition, to condemn a country to pay that would cause irreparable damages. It is not the first time that justice of the developed nations rule in this manner, totally disdaining the sovereignty of the less developed.

The network of networks In Defense of Humanity-Cuba joins the charges made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other countries and regional organization convince that we are facing a new form of aggression against nations of the South that, once again, are the most harmed by the consequences of the crisis of capitalism.

Actions such as these are part of the long list of actions directed, fundamentally, to detain the advance of progressive governments that do not bend to Yankee interests and that propose working for a more just and fair international order.

Network In Defense of Humanity-Cuba
July 12, 2014

- How To Resist Vulture Funds And Financial Imperialism?
By Eric ToussaintSource CDTM Speech delivered at the International Seminar on "Alternatives to financial imperialism and vulture funds" held in Caracas (Venezuela. Let me start with vulture funds. I believe they are an extreme version of finance capitalism....

- Vulture Funds Over Argentina, The Dollar Crisis And New York
By Oscar Ugarteche, Ariel Noyola RodríguezSource Alainet Paul Singer, proprietor of NML Capital, has, without intending to do so, done a great favour for humanity. In two months, he has completely delegitimized the rules of existing International Financial...

- Vultures Who Fly From Washington
By Manuel Yepe “The vulture funds --the small number of creditors who held out from Argentina's earlier debt restructuring-- had no interest in the country or its people. They picked up their bonds on the cheap, in hopes that by spending enough...

- Argentina: This Is Not A 'default'
Source: Telesur Judge Griesa has called for a new audience, however the Argentinian government will not attend. Argentine had met the deadline to reach an agreement with the so called vulture fund' doesn't mean this is a "defeault" or a "technical...

- What The Nml Capital Ltd Vs Argentina Case Means For The World
By Oscar UrgatecheSource:  alainet At the end of June, 2014, a New York’s Second District Judge ruled in favour of a hedge fund, NML Capital, and against the Republic of Argentina.  The issue at stake was if a hedge fund that bought...

Cuba USA
