MINREX (Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Declaration on Vulture Funds against Argentina
Cuba USA

MINREX (Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Declaration on Vulture Funds against Argentina

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Cuba has learned of the accusations made by the President of the Argentine Republic,Cristina Fernández de Kirchner on the rulings of the United States Supreme Court and the Appeals Court in that country. The ruling goes against the interest of that sister South American nation but also against the 92 creditors that agreed to re structure the debt.

Source: Granma International

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Cuba has learned of the accusations made by the President of the Argentine Republic, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner on the rulings of the United States Supreme Court and the Appeals Court in that country. The ruling goes against the interest of that sister South American nation but also against the 92 creditors that agreed to re structure the debt.

Argentina has been put at the border of an unprecedented crisis of the sovereign debt, higher even than the one in 2001 that left half of the Argentineans in poverty and a quarter unemployed, as charged by the Government and National Congress.

This is not the first time that Courts of industrialized countries rule in favor of the holders of “vulture funds”. This phenomenon was described and denounced in 1986 by the historical leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz during his battle against the foreign debt of the Third World. Nobel laureates of economy such as Joseph
Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, economists such as Anne Kruger, Thomas Palley and Nou¬riel Roubini; international organizations and governments of different political orientation have questioned the speculative and corrupt conduct of the holders of the vulture funds and U.S. judges that place the courts of the United States above
International Rights and national laws of States.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry denounces that we are witnessing a new form of aggression against nations of the South that feeds on economic conditions generated by the foreign debt and crisis of capitalism.
Twenty countries have been victims of these actions, directed primarily against progressive governments that defend their sovereignty as revealed in the recent Summit of the Group of 77 plus China held in Bolivia.

The aggression against Argentina is also directed against “Our America” especially against the processes of Latin American and Caribbean integration. By defending Argentina we defend the rights of nations of the South to sustainable development and a fair international economic order.

Un-official translation by the Network in Defense of Humanity

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