Haiti: from catastrophe to catastrophe
Cuba USA

Haiti: from catastrophe to catastrophe

by Yailé Balloqui Bonzón
source Juventud Rebelde
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Hurricanes, earthquakes, uprisings, poverty and now an enormous political crisis sinks more the unfortunate Haitian nation in the midst of many social conflicts still to be solved. Haitian president, Michel Martelly in an extreme agreement signed with the presidents of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, Jocelerme Privert and Cholzer Chancy, respectively to designate a Government of transition since this Sunday seems to open possibilities of solving a possible vacuum of power in Haiti at the conclusion of the mandate of the current head of state.
An agreement, according to information of the news agencies contemplates that the bicameral National Assembly elects an interim president in the coming days and hold elections on April 24.

Mentioning the name of that part of the Island of Hispaniola brings sad memories: hurricanes, earthquakes, uprising, poverty and an enormous political crisis sinks more the unfortunate Haitian nation in the midst of many social conflicts still unresolved.

The current crisis was intensified after the indefinite delay of the second round of presidential elections that should have been held last January 24 after a postponement of December 27 with the clash between the officialists Juvenel Moise and Jude Celestin of the opposition who were the two with higher number of votes in the general elections of last October 25 held after 3 years of delay.

These closed results led the opposition to cry “fraud” and set off a series of violent protests that caused even more delay of the elections.

Celestin finally withdrew accusing a “coup of the electoral state” accusing President Martelly and added to this withdrawal were the nine members of the Provisional Electoral Council (PEC); the partial burning of some election colleges; a resolution of the Senate demanding a longer delay; a call by the Catholic Church for a dialogue and negotiation and the announcement of more protests to prevent the vote.

Grouped in a block called G8 the opposition parties blame the government and the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United States for the present problem since they validated the first elections in the first round of last October 25.

In face of this crisis, President Martelly agreed to leave power asestablished in the Constitution and the Government issued a communiqué proposing four alternatives to solve the difficult political situation: re found the country with a new Constitution; continue the Martelly mandate to assure development of a new election; control of the country be given to the National Assembly and a last alternative is to hand over the government to the Judicial Power.

Finally an agreement was reached last Saturday to confront the worse crisis in its history.
It was hard to govern. After the convulsed elections Michel Martelly, a popular singer, who became a politician took office in May of 2011 with the purpose of advancing in two and extremely difficult priorities for his mandate: lift the country economically and solve the situation of the victims of the brutal earthquake of 2010. But his mission has been hard and strongly questioned.

Nevertheless, during his mandate Haiti achieved an increase of the Domestic Gross Product (GDP) of 3.5% and established important programs of trade cooperation with regional organizations such as the Common Market of the South, Petrocaribe and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Trade treaty of the Peoples (ALBA-TCP).
However, in the past months when the political situation worsened as well as the economy, inflation rose 12 %, the currency lost 30% of its value and the expected protests erupted.


In the midst of this situation there is always the dark hand of Washington hovering over Haitian reality as it has done since its military occupation in 1915.

Now promoted and applauded the presence of the OAS that went to the country to “mediate” at the request of Martelly. The group was amply rejected at a popular level and by different Haitian sectors, above all by the opposition and even the Catholic Church. They qualified it as a bad idea in the political and social situation as interference in the internal affairs of Haiti.
The scenario was different when answering a request by the Haitian Foreign Affairs minister, Lener Renauld, in the 4th Summit of the Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) held in Ecuador last January, to send a commission to Haiti to analyze in situ the situation and promote a dialogue between all those involved.

The Foreign Affairs ministers of Ecuador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and the Bahamas met with Martelly and the president of the Senate, Jocelerme Privert, held talks in which – they assured – evidenced the wished of both state institutions to find a way out of the political crisis.

This willingness added a text issued by the group after the visit that is based on maintaining stability, peace, democracy and continuity of the electoral process begun last year.
A few days later there is an agreement when it seemed that Haiti would not breathe. This could bring a solution and events will have to be closely watched but what is true the “coming days” established a text without date in which there is a form of vacuum of political power.

In this complex scenario the opposition is inflexible and despite the agreement between the executive and bicameral assembly called for new protest that would put the provisional government in check when it should call for new elections.

Martelly qualified it as “very important” because we found an agreement among ourselves” and requested the opposition to refrain from violent protest that only make Haiti turn back. “We are not negotiating to win but to find solutions”, he stressed. However there are thousands of people still in the streets.

This February 7 Haiti should have a new president elected and a new Parliament, previously installed but the reality is different. A new catastrophe could occur and create new justifications for interference.

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