Nicolas Maduro: We Are a People of Difficulties, We Are a Victorious People
Cuba USA

Nicolas Maduro: We Are a People of Difficulties, We Are a Victorious People

source juventud rebelde

Venezuela rises as one in front of the US threatening actions

In order to keep the Bolivarian nation from the US threatening actions, after a speech which reviewed his country´s history and the hegemonic pretensions of the empire toward all the hemisphere, President Nicolás Maduro submitted a request for an Enabling Act for Peace and Sovereignty to the National Assembly, beforethe people and a World focusing on Venezuela.

According to Article 203 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Enabling Act is about “laws sanctioned by the National Assembly, by three fifths of its members, to establish directions, purposes, and framework of the matters delegated to the President of the Republic with rank and law value. The enabling laws should fix a deadline for their implementation”.
President of the National Assembly Diosdado Cabello, alongside parliamentarians and attendants to the legislative chamber responded by singing Venezuela´s National Anthem.

“We´ll never kneel down to the empire´s aggressions and threats against Venezuela”, the Head of State stated sententiously, on a TV and radio nationwide broadcast, and noted that the request of this Enabling Act is intended to empower the leader for the defense of peace and sovereignty and Venezuela´s full development facing the threat of the United States empire”.

This is the “second Enabling Act I submit based on the Constitution and the national requirement, this law arose from the need of having constitutional powers which allow me to move in the complex scene Venezuela is due to face”, he said.

During his intervention, the Venezuelan President called for a needed mass mobilization of the people and the army to fix Venezuela´s defensive positions “so this country won´t be hit by anyone”, and announced that as Commander in Chief he will lead the deployment of that force in all the country. Venezuela must be prepared (...) Venezuela is a peaceful territory”, he stated, and explained the strategic concept of war of all the people being carried out in the country under constant threats.

He also stated that “come rain or shine! Parliamentarian elections will take place this year; whether the Venezuelan opposition and the US empire want it or not, Venezuela will continue to decide its political future inside the framework of the Bolivarian Constitution as our Everlasting Commander Hugo Chávez instructed”. Likewise, the Head of State said “that the Venezuelan people should decide the direction this country should follow, but always in line with the constitution and democracy”.

Maduro expressed gratitude for Cuba´s support, especially that given by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, and read out the message sent on Monday evening, this reference made the audience stand up and applaud with constant long-live wishes and slogans.

“Yesterday I received official communiqués from governments, they were issued in the evening, at night in some parts of the World, and I received a wonderful letter summarizing it all. It is here with his signature”, Maduro said, and highlighted that Fidel has been the “Commander of every struggle and every victory, Commander of the anti- imperialism of our America, inspired by Martí, Bolívar and Chávez”.

Fidel´s letter and the Cuban Government Statement have caused a broad impact in the Bolivarian media and especially in Venezuela´s social network.

“Nobody believes that Venezuela is a threat against the United States, and nobody will because it is false, it is a lie”. Venezuela is neither now, nor ever, a threat against the United States, nor against any country in the World, because we are pacifists and humanist people, with a foreign policy seeking the understanding and the integration of the peoples around the World”, Maduro underlined in the nationwide broadcast.

He also stated that neither threats, nor aggressions will subdue Bolívar´s Homeland and stressed that he will keep his promise as President, to defend the country “even at the expense of my own life”.
“Venezuela shall overcome, as in many other battles faced”, the President stated while proposing a historic communiqué to stop the aggression, containing the demand to the United States to derogate the presidential directive threatening Venezuela.

Venezuelan Institutions Support Maduro
The constitutional exercise —that counted on the attendance of the Cabinet, the Venezuelan military high command and the elected representatives— was preceded this Tuesday by the nearly general support of the Venezuelan institutions to the President.

In a communique in the name of the members of the armed forces, the Minister for the People´s Power for Defense, General Vladimir Padrino López, described it as absurd that the U.S Government considers Venezuela as a threat, and he denounced that the aggression comes from the «obscure interests of the internal and external groups that seek to undermined the foundations of our political and social stability. » 

General López reaffirmed in the six-point communique, the unrestricted loyalty towards President Maduro, the people and the people´s democratic institutions. And he considered Obama´s actions as «an opprobrium to the dignity of our Venezuela and our legally constituted Government. »

The Minister of Defense, who spoke at the beginning of the Forum on the Military Strategic Thinking of Commander Hugo Chávez, held last Tuesday at the Teresa Carreño Theater, as part of the homages carried out in commemoration of the second anniversary of the interment of the Latin-American leader, described the new aggression as «a grotesque and disproportionate threat, » and he reiterated «the commitment of the Venezuelan people to pay honor to the sacred oath of defending the Motherland and its institutions to death, if necessary. » 

The Attorney General of the Republic Luisa Ortega Díaz, said during the presentation of the 2014 Memories and Accounts report, held this Tuesday at the National Assembly, that «nothing and nobody will intimidate the Attorney´s General office» that she is heading. 

Thus, she answered to the sanctions imposed by the White House to the Venezuelan loyal people, among them the 20th fiscal of the Attorney´s General office Catherine Nayarith Harrington Padrón, who is leading the investigations established against the members of the opposition Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma, whose participation in the coup d´état in 2014, which terrorist actions carried out by hired armed bands took the life of 43 Venezuelans, have been imputed. 

For her part, the president of the National Electoral Council Tibisay Lucena, also declared that the U.S presidential order tries to hinder the possibilities of carrying out the 2015 elections in Venezuela, and the primary elections in the different political organizations. 

So, she highlighted «we should not allow this under any circumstance, » and she added that only the Venezuelan people can decide the kind of government they want to have, and the republic in which they want to live. So, they reject that a foreign nation can set itself up as a judge against Venezuela, and «what is worst, as an assessor of the democratic processes in Venezuela. » said the President of the electoral entity.

For his part, the Minister for Youth and Sports Antonio Álvarez, highlighted the patriotic will characteristic of the Venezuelan youth, which is on alert and fighting against the reiterated aggressions from the U.S Government, that in an authoritarian way has kept the decision of increasing its aggression level against Venezuela, reported AVN 

Regional solidarity
Solidarity is coming from different places in the world while the Venezuelan people have been carrying out demonstrations in several cities in Venezuela.

The Venezuelan Parliamentary Group in the Latin-American Parliament (Parlatino), chaired by Deputy Ángel Rodríguez, approved a majority agreement that condemns the decree issued by Obama. In addition, the agreement declares that the aggression is part of the conspiratorial escalation starring imperial power for having a justification for a foreign armed intervention or the infiltration of paramilitaries and mercenaries into Venezuela, with the aim of overthrowing the constitutional president Nicolás Maduro.

The deputy to the Parlatino said that «we fully back all the actions that the Head of the State takes for the defense of the motherland. We support in the name of the National Assembly, an Enabling Law that allows President Maduro a rapid legislation that guarantees the peace, the integrity of the territory and the sovereignty. He also urged the people of the world to be on the alert for the U.S attacks against Venezuela.

The president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Evo Morales made a call this Tuesday to the Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) for the continuity in the construction of a monolithic unity around Venezuela.

«I asked my Chancellor (David Choquehuanca) to consult CELAC and UNASUR to declare us in a state of emergency against the aggression of Obama, » which, in essence is hiding the Obama threat of invading Venezuela, reported the Bolivian information Agency (ABI).

The governments of Ecuador and Nicaragua pronounced similar statements, the first one in its condition as president pro tempore of the CELAC. Both governments utterly rejected the unacceptable declaration made by the United States, and they made a recall of the U.S history of military aggressions in the Latin-American continent.

Ambassadors of the countries that are members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America- People´s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) declared in Havana their support for Venezuela in a message that the Ecuadorian Ambassador to Cuba Edgar Ponce Iturriaga gave to Venezuelan ambassador Alí Rodríguez Araque, who was grateful for the gesture of his counter-parts. And, Rodríguez Araque assured that Venezuela cannot be blackmailed, nor subject to the orders of the U.S imperialism.

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Cuba USA
