Declaration of the Network in Defense of Humanity-Cuba in support of the journalist Carlos Aznárez
Cuba USA

Declaration of the Network in Defense of Humanity-Cuba in support of the journalist Carlos Aznárez

On August 2014 the Palestinian civilian population suffered one of the most ruthless attacks of the Israeli army, whose technological and material superiority caused truly horrific scenes that spread around the world and had the support of the social networks. The Network in Defense of Humanity stated through several media the most important declarations by prominent personalities and comrades Fidel Castro and Evo Morales.

Children, women and the elderly were the main victims of this tragedy. The world witnessed an act of barbarism, classified as continued genocide by the most honest voices and most progressive governments of the international community.
In spite of the misinformation and manipulation that characterizes the media industry of hegemonic capitalism, the news spread through the honesty and commitment of journalists who feel the duty to investigate, inform and transmit accusations; in the end not to be accomplices with their silence of the massacre and injustice.

The Israeli military operation in Gaza destroyed schools, refuges and other civilian objectives and caused, once more, the death of innocent persons in a flagrant violation of international right.

A few days ago we learned of the surprising news that comrade Carlos Aznáres, journalist and director for 22 years of the communicational platform, Resumen Latinoamericano, has been accused by the Argentine
Delegation of Israeli Associations of “organizing and discriminatory propaganda” for having participated in an act of solidarity of the Palestinian people and, of course, for having contributed to broadcast the truth.

It is laughable if it were not so shameful and repudiated an act that intends to condemn discrimination for such a just action of rejecting the criminal Israeli aggression of the Gaza Strip and intent to accuse the honest journalist for the truthful practice of his profession and his rights as a citizen.

The Cuban chapter of the Network in Defense of Humanity extends its solidarity and commitment to our comrade Carlos Aznáres, while calling on men and women defenders of freedom and human rights to join in this and other similar actions and together make the cause of Carlos not only a flag but an efficient weapon in the battle to denounce those who uselessly intend to silence the whole of humanity.

Havana, November 3, 2015

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Cuba USA
