Nobel Laureates Call For Arms Embargo Against Israel
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Nobel Laureates Call For Arms Embargo Against Israel

Source: nsnbc

Several Nobel laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mairead Maguire, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Betty Williams, Jody Williams, and Rigoberta Michú. are calling for an arms embargo against Israel over the ongoing aggression against the Palestinian Gaza Strip that has cost over 470 Palestinian lives and injured over 3,000 so far.

In an open letter, the sixty-four signatories denounce Israel for once again to use its full force against the captive Palestinian population, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The signatories describe Israel’s ongoing military operations as inhumane and illegal act of military aggression.
The signatories argue, that an arms embargo against Israel is the right approach to reducing Israel’s ability to launch such devastating attacks as those seen in the Gaza Strip in recent days, with impunity, saying that this ability in part stems from the vast international military cooperation and trade Israel maintains with countries across the world.

The signatories stress that Israel is field testing its weapons on the Palestinian population. Israel ranks among the world’s top exporters of weapons.

In 2012, Israeli defense exports skyrocketed to a record of $7.47 billion, making it the world’s sixth-largest exporter of arms. Even though, the state receives vast funding from the E.U. and its member states and the USA.

The 30% increase in global arms sales, compared with 2011 levels, positions Israel’s total weapons exports, behind the U.S., U.K., Russia, China and Germany and ahead of France and Italy.

Israel is using the fact that its latest weapons have been field-tested on Palestinians as sales pitch. Among the weapons Israel reportedly field tested on Palestinians are Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) munitions, depleted uranium munitions and incendiary munitions including white phosphor. DIME munitions contain tungsten and are carcinogenic. Depleted Uranium has according to independent researchers caused an epidemic rise in birth defects in Iraq.

The signatories call on the governments of UN member states across the world to take immediate steps to implement a comprehensive, and legally binding military embargo against Israel, similar to that imposed on South Africa during Apartheid.

The South African Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu repeatedly compared Israel’s policies toward Palestine with South Africa’s Apartheid. Tutu also endorses the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel for similar reasons.

Besides Archbishop Tutu, the letter was also signed by Nobel peace laureates Mairead Maguire, Adolfo Peres Esquivel, Betty Williams, Jody Williams, and Rigoberta Michú. Other signatories include former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, musician Roger Waters, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, among others.Mairead Maguire is also an outspoken opponent to media’s biased representationof conflicts, including the Israeli – Palestinian conflict and the ongoing conflict in Syria.

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