Palestinian children arrive in Venezuela in the coming hours
Cuba USA

Palestinian children arrive in Venezuela in the coming hours

Source AVN

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Elias Jaua, envisages that the first Palestinian children victims of Israeli aggression, could be arriving in Venezuela in the coming days, to be house in shelters named Hugo Chavez aimed at hosting children who have lost their parents after Israeli bombs.

In an interview with local media, he said that "a number of Palestinian children orphaned or in need of medical treatment that can be provided by Venezuela will arrive in Venezuela in the coming hours, maybe the weekend."

In this sense, the Venezuelan foreign minister, who arrived on August 6 in Egypt to manage the Venezuelan assistance to infants, explained they are in talks with representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), to coordinate all matters relating to transportation, as set out in international regulations.
Also Jaua stressed that "the Venezuelan government is acting within the legal framework established by the Venezuelan Constitution, Article 152, which states that our country has a moral obligation to international solidarity and help people in their struggle for independence and sovereignty."

He added that planes of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) are expected to travel to Egypt between Monday and Tuesday, with six tons in aid donated by the Venezuelan people.

The Palestinian people have been the victim of an aggression of the State of Israel against the Gaza Strip, and to date there are at least 1,900 people killed and 9,000 wounded.

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