Confronting the Nazi-Zionist Aegis.
Cuba USA

Confronting the Nazi-Zionist Aegis.

By Ramón Pedregal Casanova 

On July 23 the government of Obama approves granting more weapons to the Nazi-Zionists.

On July 29 the Israeli Nazi-Zionists bomb the fuel tank for the only electricity central left in Gaza. They had bombed it in 2006 reducing 20% to rubble in a crime they called “Operation Summer Rain” and now
these crimes are called “Operation Border Protection” protector of killers also “Protection Shield”; after bombing hospitals, UN schools, old people’s homes, whole neighborhoods … almost 2 000 dead and 10 000 wounded. Let us see how many will still be alive and under what conditions without electricity, with the bombing of the Electricity in Gaza and the good people, children in their cribs, in incubators, adults and little children will die. At night, the only light in Gaza for 6 days has been that released by the phosphorus bombs, the fire produced by the Nazi-Zionists bombs guided through precision technology; including ambulances, doctors and volunteers who rush to succor the people.
“Operation Border Protection” of murderers; “Protective Shield”.

The schools reduced to rubble under the bombs, schools, support of intelligence, help for future generations, refuges of Humanity have served the Nazi-Zionists as slaughter targets, with their assassination of learning teaching that the life of any Palestinian, from the new born to the elderly, does not matter to them in the least
even knowing that they are crimes of war, crimes of Genocide.

But they have left another lesson: while the governments of the world do not establish a blockade of Israel they will not stop; we do not refer to bombing Israel, leaving Israel without electricity, without water or food or medicines of the of the Nazi-Zionist State but … Will the “apocalipsis fall on Nazi-Zionism? The United States, Europe, NATO, that attack, invade, bomb, blockade, sanction, buy mercenaries to promote uprisings… in face of the crimes of their allies in Palestine-Gaza declaring the parts “in conflict” that they talk of and understand. The equidistance is support of the oppressor. The Palestinian people have not invaded, or colonized, or robbed ore killed it just defends itself against the invader.

How many of these nations have tried to make Israel comply with one of the many UN resolutions for its continued destruction of Human Rights?
How many have supported the Liberty Fleet of Gaza to break the blockade of Gaza?: the Palestinians request an end of the blockade.
How many have aided the Palestinian people by preventing the illegal wall? The Palestinians request demolishing the wall. How many of these countries have broken the Nazi-Zionist blockade? How many have aided the Palestinian people to prevent the construction of the illegal wall? How many have decided to open the border routes, yes or yes, before for Gaza to survive and grow with a government elected by its people; now for helping them curing their wounded, survive and grow under a government democratically elected? How many of these countries fight shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinian people against the Nazi-Zionist occupation?

What danger does the region or Gaza represent for Israel?

If only one day the Nazi-Zionists bombed Madrid, London, Berlin, Washington, NATO headquarter instead of Gaza … What would happen to Israel?
Israel has more than 200 atomic bombs; What does it want it for against the Palestinian people? Why hasn’t Israel signed the treaty of nuclear weapons? Who is willing to force Israel to return territory robbed from Palestine and colonized?

What government has begun by breaking relations with Israel, withdrawing its embassy, impounded, blockaded Israel until it complies with International Law and tires those responsible for war crimes in The Hague Court? What is the future of peoples under the rule of tyrants such as these? What do you know of the last aggression named “Border Protection Operation or in some translations as referred to “Protection Shield; well, do you know what aegis means? It is a term used in Greek mythology that means “shield”, protection. Why is has it been named “Border or Shield Protection” by the Nazi-Zionists?
We know the Greek legend that refers to the aegis as a sort of tsunami caused by Zeus to lay waste the land; a tsunami caused by Zeus adds an immense storm that will not leave a stone unturned and this immense storm leaves paralyzing terror among the people left alive.
Another interpretation speaks of a monster, Egis that destroys everything spewing fire.
What the Nazi-Zionists call “Operation Border Protection” or “Protection shield” is its mythological Egis. They are so arrogant that they think they are god.

The people of the world are silent, cross our arms in face of a natural disaster defined by mythology? Do we do nothing in face of a natural disaster or cross our arms against the Nazi-Zionist aegis?
What happens if we are silent?
In Gaza, the people and their resistance is the heart of Gaza. Outside Gaza, the heart of Gaza is the people in solidarity and that is our clear task.

A Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity translation

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Cuba USA
