Chavism and its hardest and most difficult test
Cuba USA

Chavism and its hardest and most difficult test

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The results of the parliamentary election of December 6 in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are the hardest setback inflicted on Chavism by the counterrevolution and imperialism.

Surely the Bolivarian government has made important errors that contributed to this defeat and should be evaluated by its leaders and revolutionary militants of that country to adopt corrections needed. It is their task and I will not interfere.

But beyond that, what demonstrates the disastrous electoral performance is the growing asymmetry of conditions the left wing governments must face in the continuous election tournaments forced by representative democracy and the waste it implies. In its case it is not, like neo liberal governments, limiting to administer a system subordinate to the dictates of the growing depredation and plunder of the peoples in neo liberal capitalism and its imperial centers of financial power but of building a new social project.These Venezuelan elections were developed in a geopolitical scenario and a different correlation of forces from the 19 organized previously by the Bolivarian government.

First, the right wing and United States have managed to reorganize after the surprise of the rebellion of the popular masses of Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) against neo liberalism and its important consequences. Among these is the rise of one of the stature of Hugo Chávez and other important leaders that occupied the presidency in several countries of the region and began the process of redistribution of wealth breaking dependence on the United States and boost Latin American and Caribbean unity and integration and the emergence of a multi polar world.

Secondly, recovering from the surprise and fright over the new reality, these forces unleashed a counteroffensive to overthrow, by different means, the pos liberal LAC governments. After the death of Chávez whose character was increasingly sensitive did not escape their awareness and it was intensified.

Third, this action has included – with particular emphasis on the Venezuelan case – the application of the so called fourth generation wars: economic, diplomatic and media wars, as well as other covert or violent forms of actions, legal and illegal, including intervention of paramilitary forces in assassinations of popular leaders and internal destabilization. Added to the speculation of local and international capital with financial funds of the Bolivarian government, hoarding and lack of goods was added the fall of oil prices, probably a play of Washington against Russia, Iran and Venezuela. It is this factor that harmed most the capacity of maneuver of Caracas in face of the ravages of the local and international right wing.

As if this were not enough, we must recall that President Obama signed a decree on March 6 this year that qualified Venezuela “as a danger to the national security of the United States”. It is with this pistol aimed at the head and the harassment and terrible action already exposed when the Venezuelans went to the polls on December 6.

It should be recalled that authentic revolutions such as the Bolivarian and Chavist do not move according to the times or election events. Yes, the defeat is important. The electoral victory of the counterrevolution of obtaining a majority in the National Assembly, endows an enormous political power that could eventually lead to dismantling the social achievements of Chavism but does not mean the end of the revolution.

Chavism, that fundamental political subject, is alive and if closely united explains to the people the seriousness of the situation created, creates an intelligent strategy confronting this new situation and builds a widespread coalition of popular forces, it can then recover and prepare a counter blow against a right wing prepared to move full force.

The moment in Venezuela and in Latin America and the Caribbean is one of battle. The popular forces managed to defeat the FTAA in Mar del Plata, to create ALBA, PETROCARIBE, UNASUR and CELAC, remove our region from being the backyard of imperialism will not surrender and will survive.

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