Venezuela and the battle for world dominance
Cuba USA

Venezuela and the battle for world dominance

By Ángel Guerra Cabrera

The hegemonic crisis the United States is going through has created an unstable international scenario, dangerous and of unforeseen results since Washington refuses to accept the loss of absolute supremacy that
it enjoyed in the planet. It does not seem to realized that the world is moving toward multi polarity, that it must take into consideration the interests and concepts of other actors – that include China and Russia – unless it is willing to run the risk of pushing humanity towards the holocaust of a nuclear war.

It often acts guided more by irrationality than by pragmatism, such as in the Ukraine. Or, as we observe in Latin America and the Caribbean where in the case of Cuba it affirms that it is going to change policy and does not tie of repeating unbelievable blatant that “its objective is the same”. In other words restore capitalism and its rotten liberal democracy in the Island against the opinion of the Cuban people.

Washington closes its eyes to the growing economic weakness – the bubble of schist oil and gas that they cannot hide – the political discredit it has harvested with its bloody wars of aggression, the torture of prisoners, assassination of innocent civilians by drones or groups of special operations in more countries, the generalized espionage of communications, even of its own allies, the constant murdering of black by its police and the alarming inequality and poverty that corrodes United States society.
In this situation, to end the Bolivarian Revolution by force since it has not been able to do so by the ballot box, is the main priority in its policy towards our region deciding to speed up the process with the disappearance of President Hugo Chávez. But that is not the only objective but to raze all the governments that do not submit to its designs, do not accept neo liberal policies and manage the unity and integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALC). The strategists of the empire reason that if Washington is incapable of controlling those it considered its back porch much less can it impose itself in
the rest of the world.
That is why it wants to destroy the Bolivarian architecture in our region in 1999 under the leadership and inspiration of Hugo Chávez but to achieve this it must raze the Venezuelan pillar. It is not only that Venezuela has the largest reserves of oil in the world.
As important or more so is the existence in the homeland of Bolivar of a revolutionary force of unique combativeness, politically aware and charged with symbolism as that of Chavism. Even with the low prices of
oil and attacked by an economic war and shortages it amasses moral and political reserves that are important to maintain united and combative the best forces and the most independent governments of ALC.

That is why the Empire has tried everything against Caracas. From a psychological war linked to an economic war by national and international bourgeois sectors that speculate with currencies of the Venezuelan people or hoard and contraband supported by all the media corporations of the planet including the organization of violent and murdering “guarimbas” run by delinquents, paramilitaries and declassed
Colombians that just last February cost the lives of 43 persons. Also in violation of international law has strengthened sanctions against Venezuela.

In the recent meeting of the governments of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) U.S. vice president Richard Biden intended to destroy Petrocairbe, an exemplary instrument of solidarity with those countries boosted by Chávez although it has been revealed that that official conspired rudely against President Maduro.

The provocative and interfering presence in Caracas of three former Latin American presidents questioned in their countries for their lack of respect of human rights is a measure of who supports the coup opposition of Venezuelan since days before President Maduro received the support of his colleagues of CELAC against the destabilizing plans.

In the dispute for world dominance an important chapter opens in ALC from now until the Summit of the Americas. Yankee diplomacy is fully employing funds to ambush Cuba and Venezuela there and try to divide
the Latin American and Caribbean governments. This shot will backfire.

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Cuba USA
