Venezuela, Cuba and the Summit of the Americas
Cuba USA

Venezuela, Cuba and the Summit of the Americas

by Angel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

US president Barack Obama seems obstinate in marching towards an inevitable disaster in the 7th Summit of the Americas to be held in Panama from April 10 to 11, 2015.

Despite the calm and prudent proposal of President Nicolás Maduro, although Venezuela is the offended party, for Washington and Caracas has offered to solve their differences through a dialogue. To date there is not the merest sign that the White House is reconsidering its aggressive and stupid interfering executive order declaring Venezuela as a threat to national security and foreign policy of the United States.

The Yankee mistake is evident in this issue that even the Venezuelan opposition have decided to separate itself, although timidly, from the decree issued by Obama who is their commander in chief seeing totally their presence in the political sphere minimized in face of the national rejection against the United States attitude.
And it seems that this action backfired for Obama that in spite of intimidating the Venezuelan people it has boosted the combative anti imperialism and unity of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces in their
political-military position. No wonder the tireless dedication of Chávez to politically educate his compatriots and deepen the revolutionary and anti imperialist patriotic and Latin American traditions. This work has continued with Maduro and Chavism in the strong battle against the international media machinery and their
local clones of the oligarchy that still has many economic resources, symbolically and propagandistic, to deform reality and set up false and poisonous patterns of opinion among the population.

But even more serious, is the imperial arrogance of the decree issued by Obama that has led to a large indignation in Latin America and the Caribbean where demonstrations in support of Venezuelan sovereignty do not cease as well as the rejection of Washington not only in Unasur and Alba but popular sectors and the young people. This has been evident in the constant twits with the #Obama Repeal the Decree label.
Even the support received for Caracas of the Non Aligned Countries, the Latin American Parliament and the Russian government expressed by its respected foreign affairs minister, Sergei Lavrov, who condemned
from Havana the intent of a coup in Venezuela while demanding a lifting of the blockade against Cuba.

In the meantime, the European Union has kept itself apart from the anti Venezuelan predicament. In this climate of growing rejection of the decree Obama will arrive at the meeting in Panama.

Two days before, on April 8 the leaders of the Caricom countries will meet in Jamaica where the intent to destroy Petrocaribe is intended in detriment of the interests of our peoples and pretending to benefit
the energy transnationals as well as the intent to “twist the arms” – as he himself has confessed he practices – of the governments of the Caribbean States before they arrive in Panama. It is well known how dependent these small States are on foreign aid.

The imperialist conspiracy against Venezuela continues stimulated by the Obama decree and even the former president of the Spanish government, Felipe González, promoter of neo liberalism in our region and old buddy of imperialism comes out in defense of the counterrevolutionary leaders, Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma.

In another track, Washington continues to affirm that what he has changed in Cuba is its tool but the objective is the same – what else but a “change of regime?” – aiming to involve the members of the mercenary and discredited fifth column in the Island to present them as representatives of Cuban civil society “independent of the official front”; in other words, organizations of workers, writers and artists,
farmers, women and others that are examples of the diversity Cuban society and have been pillars of resistance to US hostility. If they were not enemies of the Revolution one would pity their ridicule in
the alleged “independent” position since they cannot stand proud one minute in front of the “officialists”, that have arguments and reasons.

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Cuba USA
