Caracas celebrates ten years of the Network in Defense of Humanity
Cuba USA

Caracas celebrates ten years of the Network in Defense of Humanity

Intellectuals, artists from Venezuela and thirty five countries such as: France, Great Britain, Greece, Honduras, Italy, Iran, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Russia, Senegal, Syria, Sweden, Uruguay and Venezuela met to reinforce the vision, thought and values of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Delegates of the Cuban Network in Defense of Humanity 

Among other topics that will be discussed: the economy as a battlefield, climate change and alternatives for good living, social and educational challenges in Latin America.

The leader of the Bolivarian Revolution Hugo Chavez, contributed from his socialist values liberating ideas to the intellectuals of the world for the development of knowledge and the development of ideas, he also demonstrated that the failure of the capitalist model is based on its inability to produce goods and services for all.

Jorge Arreaza Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 

Piedad Córdova

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Cuba USA
