Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela… Hate votes? Semiotics of electoral obscurantism in sight of the media
Cuba USA

Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela… Hate votes? Semiotics of electoral obscurantism in sight of the media

by Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez
source Rebelión/Philosophy University 
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity 

Is it possible to kidnap through the media an electoral process and make the people vote against themselves? Or said another way are there popular votes sowed in irrationality so that the dispossessed be in solidarity with the hate of the oligarchs in a “Stockholm Electoral Syndrome? Although some may think that these are neither rhetorical issues nor are they “Trojan horses” to slide prefabricated syllogisms. These questions are derived from the insomnia of days of anxiety and distraction in face of the machines of ideological war or “mass media” that are even sent into our bedrooms.
One knows by heart the objections of some “theoreticians” who say – and say – that the effect of the media discourse “is not lineal” and that the “spectator” also plays his game with, from, towards and inside the messages. Especially those of political “propaganda”. We suspect but we know there are exceptions and that bal, bla, bla…it can all end in applause and patting between scholars of self-flattery. But we can neither ignore that the oligarchs invest incredible sums to maintain, in full steam, the works of the Laboratories of Ideological War disguised, even as “publicity agencies” or Think Tanks for more postmodern petulance. “In Argentina there are five of the best think tanks of political ideas in Latin America. Also it is the country with most think tanks in the region and is eighth in the world…Professor James McGann, is in charge of the project. He is the director of the Think Tanks Program and Civilian Society of that university that intends to identify the best think tanks in the world and prepare a list by region. According to the study the Argentine organizations of the Center Of Implementation of Public Policies for Equality and Growth (cippec) and the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI) are two of the best think tanks in Latin America. Completing the list are the Tetulio Vargas Foundation of Brazil, the Support Institute of Peru and the organization Liberty and development of Chile. Or the 5080 think tanks in the world there are 408 (8,03%) in Latin America but 100 function in Argentina. With that number the country is placed eight worldwide and first in the region followed by Brazil with 38 think tanks and Chile with 30”

Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela are under threat of a “Condor Operation/Media vultures” embodied with Cortázar – and particularly – Macri and his alienated oligarchs against the democracy won by the people that had to resist the aberrations of repressive capitalism. And, however, the mass of votes under manipulations, are a clear sign of the weakness of bourgeois “democracy in which the vote is used to hide the resorts of a manipulative machine in which the hangman appears like a redeemer. Any person able to read more than one page of the handbook of Macri can understand the caliber of the threat of an “easy trigger” to please the “vulture funds. His associates are declared neo fascist sympathizers, pack the lists without reasons when asking “how such and such a person” show themselves without the slightest modesty and win votes to direct policy on behalf of “democracy”. Ant this is not a naive question, one who understands how capitalism operates.

Many of those who believe they know all, and are the scholars of all, with lack of humility: there are enough defeats. The scenario of political disputes in Latin America, including those of endogenous disputes of the left and not few childlike, opens today a series of challenges in which it is necessary to include self criticism and of unity again. It would be worthwhile to rapidly exert and exercise in the framework of the emergency Summit Meeting of UNASUR against media aggression in which still imperfect and fragile democracies by the Condor Operation/Media vultures. Of course we should not confuse political right with propaganda nor the legitimate freedom of speech of the peoples, with operations derived from the “Laboratory of Psychological Warfare” against the democracies. For example, the media plan of Macri against Argentina is the twin plan unleashed against Venezuela, against Brazil and against Ecuador…and these are equivalent to a media kidnapping of the elections, of the voters and future in the short, medium and long range. Who, for example, ignore the origin of the weapons of psychological warfare and funding of Macri (that is to say which embassy or NGOs) to kidnap votes and elections with votes of hate.

We should admit that we have been naïve or weak or irresponsible in the management of revolutionary communication. One day they will come for us but no one could say that we were not warned. No one can deny that we waste energy in fronts that we had and, even, some of us were ignored. In the twitter account of @Marccella85 this phrase was published; “Any one who has the power to believe idiocies, has the power to commit injustices”. Voltaire. Disturbing right?

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